Men’s Ministry Prayer Call

The Metropolitan Men’s Ministry invites the men of the church to join our weekly prayer conference call on Thursdays at 6 AM. Dial-in number: 1-563-999-1161 Access code: 804528

Women’s Prayer Conference Call

The Metropolitan Women’s Ministry invites the women of the church to join our weekly prayer conference call on Saturdays at 8 AM. Please register on REALM. Realm Link:

We Are One Body Food Pantry

Metropolitan, we are excited to share that our "We Are One Body Food Pantry" is opening its doors again on 3rd Sundays immediately following our 10 AM Worship Service. Need […]

Worship Services – 10 AM

Worship with us!   Metropolitan! The day is almost here! The “hope and future” God promised, the 7th Senior Servant of our beloved Metropolitan Baptist Church, Dr. George Lewis Parks […]

Men’s Ministry Prayer Call

The Metropolitan Men’s Ministry invites the men of the church to join our weekly prayer conference call on Thursdays at 6 AM. Dial-in number: 1-563-999-1161 Access code: 804528

Women’s Prayer Conference Call

The Metropolitan Women’s Ministry invites the women of the church to join our weekly prayer conference call on Saturdays at 8 AM. Please register on REALM. Realm Link:

Worship Services – 10am

Worship with us!   Metropolitan Matters because … We are a Worshiping Church! Yes, indeed, we are! Take a moment to read Mark 14 before joining us for Worship on […]