Men’s Ministry Prayer Call
The Metropolitan Men’s Ministry invites the men of the church to join our weekly prayer conference call on Thursdays at 6 AM. Dial-in number: 1-563-999-1161 Access code: 804528
The Metropolitan Men’s Ministry invites the men of the church to join our weekly prayer conference call on Thursdays at 6 AM. Dial-in number: 1-563-999-1161 Access code: 804528
A caregiver has many roles. You already possess a caring heart, but you just don't know where to begin. Perhaps you are in the midst of your journey, and you […]
The Metropolitan Women’s Ministry invites the women of the church to join our weekly prayer conference call on Saturdays at 8 AM. Please register on REALM. Realm Link:
Metropolitan, we are excited to share that our "We Are One Body Food Pantry" is opening its doors again on 3rd Sundays immediately following our 10:00 AM Worship Service. We […]
First Time Friends and Returning Friends! We are a caring church, and we welcome you to MBC! Say hello to us in person or in our chat rooms! You can […]
The Met Café is open every first Sunday! Stop by Room C-43 after the 8 AM service for a quick bite and to fellowship with members and friends of MBC! […]
On February 23, 2025, Metropolitan will celebrate our African heritage church-wide by wearing African attire. Our choirs and congregation are encouraged to fill the sanctuary with the clothing and colors […]
The world is constantly changing; it can impact us. God’s Word says, “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person […]
Learn more about aligning in greater ways with the Biblical teachings of God. Join us in person or online at 8 AM or 10:15 AM as Dr. Parks continues his […]
Elevate! We’re kicking off a worship service designed with you in mind! It starts on October 6th at 9:45 AM. Teens, invite your friends and come hang out! Interact, have […]