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Bereavement Ministry


If you have been comforted during a season of bereavement, and if you have a heart to extend that same support to others who are on a similar journey, Metropolitan's Bereavement Ministry needs YOU! While the work is plentiful, the workers are few. All that's needed is a heart for the bereaved and a desire […]


Children and Youth Volunteers!

Metropolitan Baptist Church 1200 Mercantile Lane, Largo

Church Family, we are looking for CAPI-trained or trainable VOLUNTEERS to assist with Children and Youth Church as well as youth activities throughout the year! Our volunteers are an integral part of the spiritual development and growth of our youth! Interested in lending a hand? There are several ways you can serve. Contact Dr. Jesse […]


Church-Wide Bible Study

Metropolitan Baptist Church 1200 Mercantile Lane, Largo

Join us for the Church-wide Bible Study, “Keep Momentum: Connecting with God,” as we delve into nine distinct ways to nurture your spiritual growth and appreciate the beauty of various […]