Metropolitan Baptist Church has moved to a new kind of church record keeping solution called Realm®. It primarily serves the administrative needs of our staff, but it also offers some exciting opportunities to support the way you are involved in our church. Not only will this improve work life for our ministry staff, it will make it easier for our church family to connect with each other, keep up with what’s going on, and grow as a connected community of believers.
Have an Account? Login to REALM
Need an Account? Email us!
How to participate
Create an account
You may request an account at You will receive an invite email to “Join Your Online Church Community”. Please include your full given name (specify name preference), date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy), and member number.
*Realm Administrator may ask to verify additional information due to potential duplicates or needed clarification.
Get the Mobile App
The easiest way to access Realm is with your mobile device. Let’s Connect! – download the free Realm Connect and Connect – Our Church Community app for iPhone and Android devices, respectively. Use it to communicate with your groups, RSVP to events, manage your giving, update profile information, and more. It makes it easier for us to connect throughout the week and know what’s happening.
• News – Keeps everyone up-to-date with the latest posts, photos, and events for your group and for your church as a whole
• Posts – Post messages to your group and comment on posts by others in your group
• Photos – Capture your moments together and share them with your group
• Events – See event details (date, time, location, etc.), submit your RSVP, and sign up to bring something
• Files – Access your group’s shared files
• Messages – Send your entire group, or select individuals, a message that starts a conversation
• Participants – See names and basic profile details for the people in your church or group, based on their privacy preferences
• Notification Settings – Manage your preferences for group notifications and emails
Manage Giving
You can review your giving history or make new donations online or on your mobile phone. Simply sign in to look over your year-to-date giving, check pledge progress, print a contribution statement, or make a new one-time or recurring donation. It’s always available and kept secure in an easy-to-use online environment.
Ways to Give
No matter how you choose to give toward our ministry, you can review all of your giving history online anytime.
• Check or Cash
• Online Gifts (one-time or recurring)
• Text Giving*
• Pledges
Your information is your information
1. You have complete control over who can see your contact and personal information.
2. Contact information is never public or searchable on the Internet. Any information you elect to make visible to your church family is always protected behind a login.
3. Authorized staff will always have access to your profile information.
4. You and certain authorized staff may update your profile information. In some cases, your group leader may update your contact information if you have made it visible to group leaders.
5. For safety reasons, sharing contact and personal information for children under 18 is limited. Parents determine whether or not to display their child’s name in the church directory.
6. Children under 13 may not participate and will not be able to sign in.
What People May See
By default, the viewing of your contact and personal information is limited to members of groups you are in, group leaders, and staff members. If you choose to, however, you can make your information visible to the entire church. But if you prefer to be more private, you can customize how people see specific information
• Contact Information: Name, Address, Phones, and Email.
• Personal Information: Marital Status, Family Position, Member Status, but you also have the option of sharing your birthday, gender, allergy information, and skills with people in your church.
Realm® creates real ministry opportunities by making it easier for your church family to connect with each other throughout the week.
*Info compiled from website (parent company of Realm).