Metropolitan Music and Arts Ministries

Ministry Description

The Metropolitan Music & Arts Ministry (MM&AM) is an aggregation of psalmists who, through employing the Word of God in song, instrumentation, and creative movement, fulfill our divine calling to reach the lost, uplift the broken, and encourage the saved. Each member is committed to standing firmly on the frontline of battle as praise warriors leading the people of God into the presence of God!

Each week psalmists ranging from four years old to senior saints share their talents of music and art to provide the Metropolitan church and visitors with a vibrant worship experience under the divine direction of the Holy Spirit.  The Ministry expands its reach outside the four walls of the church through its Concert Series that brings quality inspirational arts programming to the Metropolitan area.

We recognize music and the arts are a divinely appointed universal language that has the power to reach all people. The ministry is composed of three divisions – Youth, Arts, and Vocal.  Psalmists are supported by a gifted and creative director and musician team as well as dedicated administrative and support staff.

Psalmists are called to serve.  The ministry holds New Psalmist Orientation periodically throughout the year to assist members in understanding their calling. This multi-week process includes Bible study, the roles and responsibilities of psalmists, the examination of spiritual practices, and principles related to music and the arts in worship. 

Excellence is a standard every time we stand to minister through dance, stepping, playing an instrument, or directing or singing a song.  We encourage all who are called to share their musical and artistic gifts and wish to join this throng of psalmists to contact ministry leaders at

Vocal Division
Praise Team: Traditional and Contemporary
Chorus Choir: Traditional Gospel
Consolation Choir: Homegoing Services
Mighty Men: All Male Ensemble, diverse music
Senior Choir: Choral Music, Anthems, Spirituals
Young & Adult Fellowship Ensemble: Contemporary Gospel

Arts Division
Magnificat!: Liturgical Dance – Adult Women; All Male (Men of Magnificat!); 60 and Over
Joyful Sound: Instrumental Ensemble
Resounding Praise: Handbell Ensemble
Alpha and Omega Adult Step Team: All ages

Youth Division
Cherubs: Children Ages 4 to 6
Holliman Memorial Children’s Choir: Children Ages 7 to 12
Young Peoples Choir: Youth Ages 13 to College
Magnificat!: Liturgical Dance: Youth and Teen Troupes
Alpha & Omega Step Team: Youth through College

Ministry Information

Rehearsal Schedule

The rehearsal schedule below reflects an attempt to maintain as constant a rehearsal schedule for the individual ensembles as possible. However, the complexities of the ministry often require changes to the schedule. All members of the adult singing aggregations are also members of Tri-M. Therefore, adult vocal psalmists are expected to attend rehearsals for both Tri-M and any individual choir to which they are assigned.

Total Praise Team – 6:30 PM
Mighty Men of Metropolitan – 7:00 PM 

Chorus Choir – 7:00 PM
Magnificat! Liturgical Dance (Adult) 7:00 PM

Holliman Memorial Children’s Choir – 7:00 PM
Young People’s Choir – 7:00 PM
Magnificat! Liturgical Dance (Youth) – 7:45 PM

Senior Choir – 7:00 PM
Young & Adult Fellowship Ensemble – 7:00 PM 

Mighty Men of Metropolitan – 7:00 PM 

Joyful Sound  – 7:00 PM

Resounding Praise – 7:00 PM

Alpha and Omega Step Team (Second and Fourth) – 7:00 PM

Cherub Choir – 10:00 AM
Alpha and Omega Step Team (First, Third, and Fifth) – 10:00 AM

Men of Magnificat!, 60 and Over Magnificat!, and Tri-M (as announced). The Consolation Choir ministers without rehearsal.


Ministry Information
  • Ministry Contact: Janae Camp
  • Email Address:
  • Staff Minister: Dr. Jesse Wood
  • Spiritual Advisor: Servant Wilma Robinson