We are at the beginning of a long, adventurous journey. As your undershepherd, I am determined to take you where God leads me. We are positioned to impact the Largo community in a mighty way—all to the glory of God. We need every member working and serving. Now is not the time to be idle; it is time for us to rise up and say, “Yes!” to God’s call on our lives as Christians and as a Community of Faith. Now is the time for us to put radical faith into action.
If you are not involved in a ministry, I want you to find your place in at least one Metropolitan ministry. Please fill in the form below or on Sunday complete the form, tear it off, place it in the offering plate, and expect a call to talk about service opportunities. We need you; I need you. There is work for us to do.
Be faithful in your prayer life and Bible study; we need warriors armed with the Spirit of God and understanding of His Word as we walk this journey together. Be faithful in your tithes and offerings; God has given us a great blessing in Mercantile Lane, but there is so much more to do to develop it to its full worship center potential. The best is yet to come!
I have never been more certain of my Call to be your Pastor. Metropolitan, you have my heart.
In His Service,
Pastor Watson