A Message from Our Pastor
We’re celebrating ALL MONTH LONG! How are you creating or celebrating Black History? This year, we want to learn about Metropolitan members making their own mark on Black History! If you or someone you know within our congregation is making a contribution to Black History in any way, please email us and share your/their stories!
This coming Sunday is our Missions Sunday and Rev. Brenda Girton-Mitchell will be preaching! What exactly is Missions Sunday? It is the day Metropolitan sets aside to highlight the coordinated efforts of our Church to serve our community through domestic and international mission organizations and activities. Our primary mission efforts are led by our Matthew 25 Ministries, responding to the Biblical imperative to meet the needs of vulnerable people by providing food, water, hospitality, clothing, and visiting the sick and imprisoned. Our international work is currently focused in Liberia under the leadership of The Lott Carey Global Christian Missional Community to help extend the Christian witness around the world. We provide ongoing support to children and their families at a school run by Lott Carey.
If you would like to learn how you can become involved in the work of Metropolitan’s Global Missions team, or any aspect of our mission work, email matthew25@metropolitanbaptist.org. Thank you for your prayers, financial support, and active participation in the work as we continue to meet some of the unmet needs at home and abroad.
You can also donate financial gifts at anytime – just be sure to add “Missions” to the memo line or select it from the drop down menu through any of our 5 giving options!
And a vision appeared to Paul in the night.
A man of Macedonia stood and pleaded with him, saying,
‘come over to Macedonia and help us.”
Acts 16:9
Lastly, Please take a moment to watch this SPECIAL MESAGE from Vice President Harris on the vital and trusting role of Black churches in increasing Black Americans’ willingness to take the vaccine. Systemic health disparities exposed the COVID-19 pandemic’s disproportionate impact on Black Americans. This tragic reality underscores the importance of the vaccine as an important step in reducing disproportionate COVID deaths and infections.
Please educate yourselves, be wise, and continue to stay safe! Double up on your masks, wash your hands, and stay at least 6 feet apart from those who do not live with you!
May God Bless each of you! Only He knows how much I miss seeing you in person. We may be physically distant, but we continue to be socially and spiritually connected through Christ!
I’ll see you in the chat rooms on Sunday!
With care,
Pastor Watson