A Message From Our Pastor
Greetings Metropolitan,
It’s going to be a beautiful holiday weekend and I want you to be CAREFUL! Many of us plan to gather with loved ones over the backyard grill or to travel to visit loved ones. As you do so, be mindful that everyone is not vaccinated (for a myriad of reasons) and that those vaccinated can still contract and carry COVID-19. This disease is still very real, Family. Use discernment and keep yourselves safe.
On this Memorial Day Weekend, join Mrs. Watson and me in taking a moment to remember all of those who have given their lives for our country. Our gratitude, our appreciation, and our respect all pale in light of the sacrifices they made. To everyone who serves in our military and to everyone who loves someone who serves in our military, thank you. Our hearts are full, thanking God for all of you today.
Bishop James Magness, Bishop for Armed Services, once wrote this prayer:
“Lord God Almighty, Whose only Son sought not to preserve His life but to make the ultimate sacrifice so that we might have abundant life, we remember on Memorial Day the personal sacrifices made by many of our fellow citizens in the service of their country. On this day we pause, however briefly, to remember and recall those who gave the last measure of their lives for their faith, their country, and their fellow compatriots in arms. The record of their courage is in the hands of history and the vestige of their lives is at rest in our memories. Grant that we and all the citizens of this land may have the grace to honor their good deeds as in righteousness; we strive for peace among all the people of God’s creation. Remembering their sacrifice, we rededicate ourselves to the tradition of courage that You, our Lord, have instilled in us. Give us a deep sense of reverence for life that is tempered by a passionate desire for justice. Continue in us the valor of those who have woven this tradition into the fabric of our country. This we pray in the name of the one God Who creates, redeems and sustains. AMEN.”
No one has greater love than this: to lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13 CSB
Let us all live our lives with Faith in Action.
With gratitude for Christ and ALL who have sacrificed their lives for us, Pastor Watson