Happy Father’s Day to all of the Fathers, Grandfathers, Uncles, and positive role models! I am excited that our Senior Servant Emeritus, Dr. H. Beecher Hicks Jr., will be bringing the Word from our virtual pulpit this Sunday.
Meet me, our guests, your friends, and loved ones for our livestream Sunday Worship Services at metropolitanbaptist.org or on Facebook at 7:30 AM and 10 AM, or listen through Zoom at 1 PM only:
Dial 1-301-715-8592. The access code is 98471497616#. The meeting ID is 98471497616.
To join the video conference, click here at 1 PM.
Thank you, Church, for your faithful giving. Remember, you can make recurring payments through our website and REALM. You may also Cash App $Metropolitanbaptist, text any amount to 301-888-6225, or mail your gifts to: Metropolitan Baptist Church, 1200 Mercantile Lane, Suite 115B. Largo, MD 20774.
It is very important to me that we stay connected as a family. Won’t you help us stay connected by requesting your REALM account today?
Pastor, why do we have to request an account vs. just downloading the app and diving in?
Great question. We have linked REALM to your giving records and for that reason, our church platform is private. By emailing realm@metropolitanbaptist.org to request access to your account, we can be sure that all of your information is accurate and up to date; then, you are able to receive a direct invite email. Once we’ve done that, you are most welcome to download the app, sign in, and dive in!
Do we really need to register for classes and events?
It is most helpful if you do, and guests can register too! This let’s us know your needs and interests. It also helps us plan for activities and lessons. Remember, you can always email the sponsoring ministry to register for events and classes as well.
What else can we do on REALM?
Post photos and videos, chat with members, financial gift donation and MORE!
Pastor, do you use REALM?
I sure do. In fact, I have begun giving my tithes and offerings on it and I love seeing the photos our members post every week. The Communion photos are my favorites! I can see how many of you are registered for Bible Study, and Mrs. Watson even uses it to check-in on her Kingdom Kids and Elevate Youth Ministry.
How else can I learn about what we are doing at Metropolitan?
In addition to ministry announcements, Our Daily Bread e-newsletter offers devotionals, prayers, community resources, our prayer list, birthdays, and so much more. So, you can still be in the know about everything happening! Some even print it out and take it to our Seniors.
To sign up for the Daily Bread, click here. We are also on all social media platforms and post information there daily.
Whether through REALM, Social Media, metropolitanbaptist.org, Our Daily Bread e-newsletter or word of mouth, be sure to stay connected to your Metropolitan Family! We will get through this season together, and we’ll be stronger than ever.
Stay connected and Stay Safe,
Pastor WatsonOn June 5, the State of Maryland entered Stage Two of “Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery.” This began the gradual reopening of businesses, workplaces, and personal services in Maryland. On June 12, 2020, County Executive Angela Alsobrooks reaffirmed Prince George’s County’s stay at home order and the County began incremental reopenings of businesses and services. Details can be found here. Residents are encouraged to remain cautious and vigilant in their practice of safety protocols. The instances of COVID-19 are high in Prince George’s County; however, they continue to slowly drop.
Metropolitan’s IAMA Counseling Ministry, Health and Wellness Ministry, and Community Resources sections below offer various resources and information that will help you during this time.
Be sure to become familiar with the chat feature on our Livestream platforms, metropolitanbaptist.org and Facebook, so that you can chat with your MBC Family on Sunday Mornings!
Please continue to give your tithes, offerings, and special gifts through any of our 5 giving options:
- NEW! CashApp – $Metropolitanbaptist
- Mail your gifts to Metropolitan Baptist Church at 1200 Mercantile Lane, Suite 115 B, Largo, Maryland 20774.
- Visit www.metropolitanbaptist.org and then click “Donate Now” and follow the prompts.
- Access your REALM account.
- Text to Give any amount at (301) 888-6225
Over the next few weeks, we will vigilantly work to make more online ministry opportunities available to you.
Don’t forget to Livestream with your Church Family on Sundays!
In response to the continued spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Prince George’s County’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks’ stay at home order through June 1, 2020. Metropolitan Baptist Church will not hold worship services and the Church Office will be closed until further notice. Please call (202) 238-5000 should you need assistance, leave a message, and your call will be promptly returned. Please continue to observe social distancing, wear masks and gloves when in public, and stay at home as much as possible. Stay home and stay well.Governor Hogan announced Maryland’s stay at home order will be lifted on Friday, May 15 at 5 PM and there are now expanded opportunities for outdoor exercise and recreation, and some indoor activity; however, everyone is encouraged to continue to practice CDC safety protocols at all times. Metropolitan wants you and your loved ones to remain safe. Metropolitan Baptist Church will continue virtual worship and ministry until further notice.All Church-wide events and ministry activities previously scheduled are postponed until further notice. We have and are taking precautionary steps to keep everyone as safe as possible by using this time to contract an external cleaning company to deep clean and disinfect our edifice.
Please take note of these additional immediate precautionary steps:
Our Church Office and building are closed until further notice. Our staff is working remotely.
Until we are physically able to worship together, we are moving our ministry online. Our Bible Study, Sunday School, Children’s Church, Youth Church and many other ministry/community activities are now available to you via Zoom Video or Phone Conference. Please see details for each below under ministry announcements.
If you have an emergency or death in your family, please call the church’s main number (202) 238-5000, leave a message, and your call will be promptly returned. The church’s phone lines are being closely monitored during this time.
Need food from our Food Pantry? Please call the Church Office or email Rev. Brenda Girton-Mitchell at bgirtonmitchell@metropolitanbaptist.org.
We encourage you to continue ministry business as you are able via these preferred online resources: Conference Calls (freeconferencecall.com) or Video Chats (zoom.com).
Tune in to our Livestream on Sundays for a NEW message from Pastor Watson, ministry highlights, church announcements, and more!How can you stay connected?We are sending regular updates to the congregation and we want to be sure to stay connected to you electronically!Please be sure you:
- Join your Church Family on Prayer Calls! There are so many opportunities throughout the week.
- Sign up for Zoom and Skype! These will be the platforms Metropolitan will use for video conferencing! Go to zoom.us and skype.com to set up your accounts today so that you can dive right in next week! We will begin to introduce video conferencing for various components of our ministry. For security purposes, all Staff and Ministry Leaders are required to review these safety tips for Video Conferencing.
- Become familiar with the chat features of our Livestream platforms (metropolitanbaptist.org and Facebook) so that you can chat with your MBC Family on Sunday mornings!
- Set up your REALM account! If you do not have an account already, please email realm@metropolitanbaptist.org and include your Full Name, Email Address, Physical Home Address, and Envelope/Member Number to request your account so you can stay connected with your Church Family!
- Subscribe to Our Daily Bread E-newsletter at metropolitanbaptist.org. Click news, then subscribe.
- Like and Follow us on Social Media: FB (@MetropolitanBaptistChurch); Instagram (@metropolitan_baptist); Twitter (@metropolitanbap)!
How can you stay well? We encourage you to continue to take the following precautionary steps:
- Wash your hands frequently, for at least 20 seconds, with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
- Cover your mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing into your elbow or use a tissue and throw it away; do not cough or sneeze into your hands.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick and practice social distancing by staying at least 6 feet away from other people and avoid groups of more than 10 people.
- If you are sick, stay home from work, school, church, and social gatherings.
- Try NOT to touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
- NO HANDSHAKING! Use a fist bump, slight bow, elbow bump, etc.
- Use ONLY your knuckle to touch light switches, elevator buttons, etc. Lift the gasoline dispenser with a paper towel or use a disposable glove.
- Keep a bottle of hand sanitizer and/or Clorox wipes available at each of your home’s entrances AND in your car or bag for use after pumping gas or touching other contaminated objects when you can’t immediately wash your hands.
- Stock up on medications, food, and other essentials you may need in the event of quarantine. If you are a Senior, please ask a younger family member or friend to pick items up for you.
- Stay Home! If you must go out, wear a cloth mask and gloves.
- We ask that you visit the website of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)for additional prevention measures you can take to protect yourself and your family. The World Health Organization is another great resource.
- Check on your fellow Metropolitan loved ones (especially our Seniors) and show them how much you CARE! Utilize apps like REALM, FaceTime, and Skype to connect.