I am so very proud of our Emerge Young Adult Ministry! Under the leadership of Min. Kevin Gresham II, our young adults are reaching out to our members to assist with the needs of our congregation. They can be found teaching our Children and Youth Church, helping us to create new content for our Worship Services, and so much more!
Our Virtual Emerge Young Adult Weekend begins tonight and their leadership team has planned a weekend of exciting new online experiences for Metropolitan! On Friday, they will have a conversation with a “Real ER Doctor” about COVID-19, and on Saturday, they will have a spoken word and comedy night! Both events will be broadcast live on the Emerge and Metropolitan FB Pages! For more details, please review the Emerge section under our ministry announcements in the Daily Bread.
Then on Sunday, our young adults will give leadership to our Online Worship Experience, and they are certainly doing things a little differently this week!
Tune in on time and remember to prepare your elements for our Virtual Holy Communion! Our livestream broadcasts at or on Facebook at 7:30 AM and 10 AM, or listen through Zoom at 1 PM only:
Dial 1-301-715-8592. The access code is 98471497616#. The meeting ID is 98471497616.
To join the video conference, click here at 1 PM.
Have you received one of our Member-to-Member (M2M) phone calls? We’ll be calling to check on all of our MBC members during the summer. We want to know how you are doing, if you need any assistance, and if you are staying connected to Metropolitan online during this pandemic. So expect a call, sometime soon!
If you have any questions or need to update your contact information, please email Sis. gerry jangha at or call the Church Office at 202-238-5000 and leave a message.
Lastly, be sure to send us your feedback about our online worship experience and mid-week online ministry opportunities by emailing It is important to me that we are connecting with you in the best ways possible on Sunday Mornings as well as during the week. So, send your comments and suggestions. We are Growing Together!
With Care,
Pastor Watson
Governor Larry Hogan announced additional safe and phased reopenings on June 12 and 19, 2020, in Stage Two of “Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery.” This includes limited services for indoor dining, outdoor amusement parks, gyms, casinos, and shopping malls. More information can be found here.
On June 29, 2020, Prince George’s County entered a full Phase Two reopening. Residents are still encouraged to exercise caution, limit non-essential trips, continue to wear face coverings, maintain physical distancing (at least 6 feet of distance between yourself and others), and practice critical hygiene actions such as washing your hands frequently with soap and water. Details on Prince George’s County’s Phase Two reopening can be found here.
Metropolitan’s IAMA Counseling Ministry, Health and Wellness Ministry, and Community Resources sections below offer various resources and information that will help you during this time.
Chat with us during our Livestream!
Be sure to become familiar with the chat feature on our Livestream platforms, and Facebook, so that you can chat with your MBC Family on Sunday Mornings!
Remember to Give!
Please continue to give your tithes, offerings, and special gifts through any of our 5 giving options:
- NEW! CashApp – $Metropolitanbaptist
- Mail your gifts to Metropolitan Baptist Church at 1200 Mercantile Lane, Suite 115 B, Largo, Maryland 20774.
- Visit and then click “Donate Now” and follow the prompts.
- Access your REALM account.
- Text to Give any amount at (301) 888-6225
Over the next few weeks, we will vigilantly work to make more online ministry opportunities available to you.
Don’t forget to Livestream with your Church Family on Sundays!
Metropolitan Baptist Church Temporary Operational Plan (updated 7/17/2020)
In response to the continued spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Prince George’s County’s high Coronavirus incident rate, Metropolitan Baptist Church will not hold in- person worship services and the Church Office will be closed until further notice. Please join us for virtual worship each Sunday at 7:30 AM and 10 AM (Livestream at and Facebook), and at 1 PM (Zoom only). Please call (202) 238-5000 should you need assistance, leave a message, and your call will be promptly returned. Please continue to observe social distancing, wear masks and gloves when in public, and stay at home as much as possible. Stay home and stay well.
Governor Larry Hogan announced additional safe and phased reopenings on June 12 and 19, 2020, in Stage Two of “Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery.” This includes limited services for indoor dining, outdoor amusement parks, gyms, casinos, and shopping malls. More information can be found here.
On June 29, 2020, Prince George’s County entered a full Phase Two reopening. Residents are still encouraged to exercise caution, limit non-essential trips, continue to wear face coverings, maintain physical distancing (at least 6 feet of distance between yourself and others), and practice critical hygiene actions such as washing your hands frequently with soap and water. Details on Prince George’s County’s Phase Two reopening can be found here.
There is a resurgence of COVID-19 cases in several states across the country; however, the State of Maryland is showing a decline. On July 9, 2020, the Baltimore Sun newspaper said “Maryland has reported 14 straight days of a seven-day average testing positivity rate below 5 percent”. This rate “matches the World Health Organization’s recommendation of such a stretch before governments begin easing virus-related restrictions” (Baltimore Sun). Everyone is encouraged to remain vigilant in following safety protocols–especially by wearing cloth facial coverings and practicing physical distancing.
Metropolitan wants you and your loved ones to remain safe. Metropolitan Baptist Church will continue virtual worship and ministry until further notice.
All Church-wide events and ministry activities previously scheduled will be conducted virtually, wherever possible, until further notice. We have and are taking precautionary steps to keep everyone as safe as possible by using this time to contract an external cleaning company to deep clean and disinfect our edifice.
Please take note of these additional immediate precautionary steps:
Our Church Office and building are closed until further notice. Our staff is working remotely.
Until we are physically able to worship together, we are moving our ministry online. Our Bible Study, Sunday School, Children’s Church, Youth Church and many other ministry/community activities are now available to you via Zoom Video or Phone Conference. Please see details for each below under ministry announcements.
If you have an emergency or death in your family, please call the church’s main number (202) 238-5000, leave a message, and your call will be promptly returned. The church’s phone lines are being closely monitored during this time.
Need food from our Food Pantry? Please call the Church Office or email Rev. Brenda Girton-Mitchell at
We encourage you to continue ministry business as you are able via these preferred online resources: Conference Calls ( or Video Chats (
Tune in to our Livestream on Sundays for a NEW message from Pastor Watson, ministry highlights, church announcements, and more!