Greetings Metropolitan,
The unofficial start of summer is here and our Church Leadership has a host of events planned for our members, friends, and guests.
Our COVID-19 Support Group begins tomorrow and is available to EVERYONE! The pandemic has affected us all – perhaps in ways, we don’t realize yet. Join Dr. Sherrill McMillan and her IAMA Counseling Ministry team to discuss coping with the impact and effects of COVID-19 on us all.
Then, on Monday, our new CAPI Trainingbegins. This is a requirement for all adults working with our youth.
For our men, we’re starting a new Men’s Bible Studyseries entitled “Selected Men of the Bible.” We will examine the men’s relationship with God and how they responded to His call to service. The life lessons we explore will challenge men to embrace “God-centered manhood” and authentic faith. I promise it will be eye-opening.
The women in our church continue to participate in Bible Study , prayer calls , and yoga on Saturdays, and our Women’s Ministry is looking forward to their upcoming monthly book club fellowship on June 11.
The annual 80 and Older Celebration is coming up on June 12. This year, it is a drive-thru celebration and we need you to register your favorite seniors. Don’t delay! Email Rev. Brenda Girton-Mitchell as soon as you can at bgirtonmitchell@metropolitanbaptist.org ! Be sure to plan to stop by and show our seniors some love at the drive-thru.
On the 19th of June, we’re educating our members on Estate Planning . It’s never too late to get your affairs in order. Don’t miss the opportunity to get expert advice and learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Lastly, on June 26, our young people will conduct a College Panel to discuss the joys and struggles of college life. Make sure your teens and their friends learn about the college search process as early as possible.
I know, this is a lot. But it just goes to show how despite being physically separated, we are very much still connected through the body of Christ. I encourage you to take the time to find something to enhance your life and help you grow in Christ this summer.
I may drop in on a few of these events, so be sure to say hello! Remember to virtually worship with your Church Family on Sunday and have a wonderful start to your summer!
With Care,
Pastor Watson
* REALMregistrations are encouraged and can be done by ANYONE (member or not), so feel free to share registration links with loved ones!