Elevate Teen Worship

K-Hall 1200 Mercantile Lane Suite, 115B, Largo, MD, United States

Elevate! We’re kicking off a worship service designed with you in mind! It starts on October 6th at 9:45 AM. Teens, invite your friends and come hang out! Interact, have some fun and share in God’s Word every 1st, 2nd and 4th Sunday with your new Youth Minister, Minister Gerald Scott.

Girl Scout Cookies

Metropolitan Baptist Church 1200 Mercantile Lane, Largo, Maryland

Get your Girl Scout cookies today, March 2, in the Chapel at 12 PM!

Dance with Magnificat!

Metropolitan Baptist Church 1200 Mercantile Lane, Largo, Maryland

Girls and Women of MBC! You are invited to minister with Magnificat! for Women's Day 2025! Girls in the 2nd grade and above and all adult women are encouraged to participate! Join Sis. Diedre Neal in the Sanctuary on Monday, February 10, 17, 24 and March 3 at 7 PM for rehearsal. We will also […]

Senior Prayer Conference Call

Join us for our Senior Prayer Conference Call, a time of faith, fellowship, and encouragement as we come together in prayer. Let’s lift each other up, seek wisdom, and find […]

Men’s Ministry Prayer Call

The Metropolitan Men’s Ministry invites the men of the church to join our weekly prayer conference call on Thursdays at 6 AM. Dial-in number: 1-563-999-1161 Access code: 804528

Women’s Prayer Conference Call

The Metropolitan Women’s Ministry invites the women of the church to join our weekly prayer conference call on Saturdays at 8 AM. Please register on REALM. Realm Link: https://onrealm.org/MetropolitanBap/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=NTgyNDk0YzgtOTAxYi00NDcwLWExODktYWI5MTAxNDI0OWU4

Dance with Magnificat!

Metropolitan Baptist Church 1200 Mercantile Lane, Largo, Maryland

Girls and Women of MBC! You are invited to minister with Magnificat! for Women's Day 2025! Girls in the 2nd grade and above and all adult women are encouraged to participate! Join Sis. Diedre Neal in the Sanctuary on Monday, February 10, 17, 24 and March 3 at 7 PM for rehearsal. We will also […]

We Are One Body Food Pantry

Metropolitan Baptist Church 1200 Mercantile Lane, Largo, Maryland

Metropolitan, we are excited to share that our "We Are One Body Food Pantry" is opening its doors again on 3rd Sundays immediately following our 10:00 AM Worship Service. We […]

InnovatHER LIVE at The MET

Metropolitan Baptist Church 1200 Mercantile Lane, Largo, Maryland

Join us for InnovatHER LIVE at The MET! Get ready for Engaging Conversations with impactful women, including dynamic leaders like Trisch Smith, April Richardson, Dr. Avis Jones-DeWeever, and our very own Dr. Wilma Robinson and Lisa Mooney. These inspiring women will empower you to fuel your faith, ignite change, and take bold action in your […]

Women’s History Month

Metropolitan Baptist Church 1200 Mercantile Lane, Largo, Maryland

Let’s come together in worship. Wear your pink and/or purple as we celebrate Women’s History Month. At 8 AM, hear from our own Rev. Brenda Girton-Mitchell, and at 10:15 AM, be inspired by Rev. Dr. Jacqueline Thompson, Senior Pastor of Allen Temple Baptist Church in Oakland, California. Register today on REALM for tickets, vendor, and […]