Lord, I Want to Be Whole


Lord, I want to be whole! These words are the heart-cry of many Christians who find themselves dealing with overwhelming anger, guilt, depression, or even a nagging feeling that something inside them just is not right. Through the power of prayer and Scripture, you can find wholeness. Join the Women’s Bible Study for an eight-week class ending […]

40 Days of Power and Prayer

THE BIBLE CHALLENGE IS BACK for the Lenten Season and everyone is invited to participate! Will you take the Bible Challenge? We will be reading THE BOOK OF ROMANS during our 40 Days of Power and Prayer. Each week you will have a Sabbath rest. As you read, just check off the reading assignment for […]

Women’s Prayer Conference Call

The Metropolitan Women’s Ministry invites the women of the church to join our weekly prayer conference call on Saturdays at 8 AM. Please register on REALM. Realm Link: https://onrealm.org/MetropolitanBap/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=NTgyNDk0YzgtOTAxYi00NDcwLWExODktYWI5MTAxNDI0OWU4

We Are One Body Food Pantry

Metropolitan, we are excited to share that our "We Are One Body Food Pantry" is opening its doors again on 3rd Sundays immediately following our 10 AM Worship Service. Need food? We care and have lots to share! Visit our Pantry or email matthew25@metropolitanbaptist.org to request service. We are always seeking volunteers too! Volunteer to […]

Multimedia Ministry: Training Session

Metropolitan Baptist Church 1200 Mercantile Lane, Largo, Maryland

Church Family, we need volunteers to support the Multimedia Ministry in numerous capacities as we faithfully broadcast in-person and online services to our members, the local community, and the world. Making sure the Word is evangelized weekly is our most sacred duty.   You can assist with executing camera direction, running pro-presenter, lighting, audio and mic setup, […]

40 Days of Power and Prayer

THE BIBLE CHALLENGE IS BACK for the Lenten Season and everyone is invited to participate! Will you take the Bible Challenge? We will be reading THE BOOK OF ROMANS during our 40 Days of Power and Prayer. Each week you will have a Sabbath rest. As you read, just check off the reading assignment for […]

Sunday School


Sunday School meets every Sunday at 8 AM ET via Zoom. Register on REALM to make sure you have access. For questions or additional information, please contact Servant Don Williams at sundayschool@metropolitanbaptist.org.  REALM: https://onrealm.org/MetropolitanBap/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=ZDQzMzRlZDctYjk2Ni00MDY0LTg4MzUtYWUzNDAwZWViOGIx

Worship Services – 10am

Worship with us!   Metropolitan is a vibrant, multicultural congregation whose vision is as broad as the grace of God. We are a church in transition, building on the strength of our historic past while claiming the new location for ministry that God has given to us. We are developing a ministry to families with […]

40 Days of Power and Prayer

THE BIBLE CHALLENGE IS BACK for the Lenten Season and everyone is invited to participate! Will you take the Bible Challenge? We will be reading THE BOOK OF ROMANS during our 40 Days of Power and Prayer. Each week you will have a Sabbath rest. As you read, just check off the reading assignment for […]