Upcoming Worship

Worship with Metropolitan every Sunday in November! Minister Derek Jackson is preparing to share a Word with us on Sunday, November 6.

Son of Metropolitan, Rev. Larrin Robertson will be here on Sunday, November 13 as we celebrate Music and Arts Appreciation Sunday!
Tri-M, remember your rehearsals will be on November 7 and November 9 @ 7 PM @ Metropolitan. Attire for all is Black and Purple.

On Sunday, November 20, our prayer warrior princess, Rev. Adriane Blair Wise will be preaching!

And, on Sunday, November 27, we will share in Holy Communion with Rev. Dr. Gerald Hesson, preaching!
WAOB Thanksgiving Box

Metropolitan! The We are One Body Food Pantry is preparing for the Annual Thanksgiving Box Giveaway to bless those within our church and community! If you are in need of food for the holiday or are interested in volunteering, please visit metropolitanbaptist.org and look for the Holiday Season Recipient and Volunteer Inquiry Form on our homepage.
If you are a box recipient, you can pick your box up on November 19 from 10 AM – 12 Noon.

Contributors, we need your help this year by providing canned corn, green beans, cranberry sauce, Stove Top stuffing, gravy mix, Jiffy cornbread, cake mix and frosting, or Giant grocery store gift cards. Donations of food items or Giant Food gift cards can be delivered curbside on Saturdays through November 12 from 9:30 AM – 11 AM. Financial donations are also welcome. Please visit metropolitanbaptist.org/donate to learn about our 5 giving options.
It is through your faithful giving that we are able to share with families in our community, and we thank you for your continued support of this effort!
Questions? Please email matthew25@metropolitanbaptist.org.

Metropolitan, we know you’re going to be hungry after church! Pre-order Jimmy’s Famous Seafood for your Sunday dinner! They provided food for us at our Holiday Movie Night at Evangel Church last year and we’ve invited them back! On this coming Sunday, November 6, one of the DMV’s most popular and award-winning food trucks will be coming to Metropolitan on Mercantile Lane!!!
They will be serving their entire food truck menu immediately after worship. For those that don’t want to wait in line after service, you can pre-order your meal through their website, jimmysfamousseafood.com/food-truck.
Online ordering will be available starting at 9 PM Saturday night and will remain open until 11 AM Sunday morning. You may use the link below to order and then find our church’s name to ensure your order is submitted to the right food truck location. The food truck will also process orders in person. Don’t miss this opportunity to try great seafood from a restaurant based in downtown Baltimore, MD.
Gifts From the Heart 2022

Thank you Metropolitan for your generous and consistent giving that demonstrates just how much we care! Christmas is an extra special time to demonstrate love for God and one another!
You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. (2 Corinthians 9:11 NIV). Last year, our Gifts from the Heart outreach effort was able to bless over 400 elementary school children with new school uniforms and new toys.
Metropolitan Family, we need your support again this year to make Gifts from the Heart a success! Here’s how you can help!
- Register your children for gifts or volunteer to sponsor a child by purchasing the toys on that child’s gift list by November 15.
- Purchase and drop off new unwrapped toy(s) or Target Gift Card(s) on Saturday, December 17 at the William Paca Elementary School, located at 7801 Sheriff Road, Landover, MD 20785. Note: We do not provide bikes or electronics!
- Contribute through one of our 5 giving options and remember to designate your contribution to Gifts from the Heart.
Registration forms are available on our website and by emailing matthew25@metropolitanbaptist.org are also due by November 15, 2022. For more information, please contact Rev. Brenda Girton-Mitchell or call the church at 202-238-5000.
Toastmasters Ministry and Voice Over

“Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” ~ Proverbs 16:24. Church, our Toastmasters Ministry and Voice Over team are taking a trip downtown to Planet Word on Saturday, December 3. Planet Word is an immersive language experience located at the historic Franklin School in Washington, D.C.
Ideal for all ages, Planet Word is a voice-activated museum (the world’s first!), and its interactive galleries and exhibits bring words and language to life in all sorts of fun ways.
All are invited to join us, but passes are limited. Simply register on REALM and plan to meet us there at 11 AM. You can register for a ride in the church van to the museum there too! We hope you’ll join us for this fun and educational outing!
Realm Link:

Dr. Louis Hutchinson III will be teaching “A Way Out of No Way,” a class intended to prepare us for facing insurmountable challenge or achieving “the impossible,” by fortifying the POWER of God within. The focus of the course, through proven Biblical principles and shared testimony for staying perpetually connected to God, will further enhance our alignment with God in all aspects of our lives.
Each Bible Study session will be via Zoom for 60 minutes, where S.O.A.P. (Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer) will be applied. It will be a safe interactive space and participants need to come having already read and analyzed the Scripture in the context of their personal experiences. Classes will be held from 7 PM – 8 PM on Wednesdays, November 2, 9, 16, 30; and on December 7 and 14. Register today on REALM!

What is BAPTIST POLITY AND PRACTICE? Join our Executive Pastor, Dr. Jesse L. Wood on Tuesday nights, November 1 through December 13 at 7 PM via Zoom to better understand how the Baptist church operates!
This class will explore aspects of Baptist history and tradition, Baptist identity and Biblical roots of Baptist doctrine. Additional emphasis on the process by which organized structures, especially in the Black Baptist Church, are formed and how they function will be highlighted.

- Continuing Education for Current Teachers and Prospective Teachers is open to all interested in serving in our Sunday School Ministry. Join Servant Don Williams on November 19 at 9 AM to learn how you can be of service to the ministry by registering on REALM today!
- Sunday School has a new time! Join us every Sunday at 8AM ET via Zoom until further notice. Sunday School has a new Zoom link beginning on November 20th too! Register on REALM to make sure you have access. For questions or additional information, please contact Rev. Adriane Blair Wise at awise@metropolitanbaptist.org.
Messiah @ BSU

Metropolitan, we have been invited to blend our voices with an august gathering of choirs, ensembles, and community participants from across the region in Bowie State University’s inaugural Community-wide Messiah Sing Along!
This celebration of Christ’s birth will be hosted by the University’s Department of Fine and Performing Arts on Wednesday, December 14 at 7:30 PM. All singers will participate in a run through rehearsal at 6 PM in the BSU Choir Room, followed by the 7:30 PM sing along concert with the Bowie State University Choir, directed by Professor Brandon Felder on December 14.
The concert will take place in the Recital Hall for Music. The attire is formal black and white or formal all black, and it’s FREE!!!
For more information, email Professor Brandon Felder at bfelder@bowiestate.edu. Register yourself, your friends or your community TODAY.
Movie Night

Movie Night @ The Met returns with a trip to the Arundel Mills Cinemark Egyptian 24 and XDTheaters to see Wakanda Forever! Join us for this PG -13 feature film beginning at 7:20 PM ET on Monday, November 14.
Individuals must purchase their own ticket (s)!!! Various seat types/prices are available for this show, and we suggest purchasing your seat TODAY!!! Due to high demand, they are selling VERY fast!
Visit cinemark.com and search by the theater name and showtime or go directly to https://www.cinemark.com/TicketSeatMap/?TheaterId=1051&ShowtimeId=528530&CinemarkMovieId=87855&Showtime=2022-11-14T19:20:00&LinkedShowtimeId=528535 for tickets. Then, register on REALM to let us know you’re joining us and to sign up for a ride on our Church van, if needed, by November 12!!!

Christianity 101 is wrapping up! Don’t miss the final sessions on Wednesday, November 2, 9, 16, 30; and December 7 at 6 PM!
We will be off the week of Thanksgiving. Learn how to practice the basics of Christian living. Discuss principles and promises that God has freely given to us to carry out! Become amazed at how you grow as you study, memorize, discuss, and apply the Scripture verses presented each week. Register today on REALM and be sure to obtain the class workbook by calling Sister Margaret Flagg at 240 481-2544.

Journey to the Well ends on December 15 but it’s not too late to join our Women’s Bible Study. Did you know that one of the most well-known and loved stories of Jesus’ ministry is the encounter with the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well. In her book, Journey to the Well, Bishop Vashti McKenzie shows women that if they hold on to hope and listen for their moments of epiphany, they can accomplish anything.
Ladies, discover a new enlightened way of thinking and living. You too may need a life-changing encounter with the Son of God. Join Rev. Adriane Blair Wise on Thursday evenings at 7 PM via Zoom, for this class based on Bishop Vashti McKenzie’s book, Journey to the Well. Register on REALM today!

Hear ye, Metropolitan Family! Life is full of changes, updates, and upgrades.
Did you move? Change your marital status? Add children to your family? Receive a new job or position? Get baptized? You’ve informed your Bank, the U.S. Postal Service, and even Facebook of your life changes, but is your Church Profile Account out-of-date?
If you have access to your Realm Account, please login to www.onrealm.org TODAY and update your profile! In addition, we encourage everyone to complete our NEW Information Fields entitled “Education Field of Study” and “Professional Title” for an opportunity to share, network, and collaborate with your MBC family.
There are a plethora of resources in REALM. Don’t have an account yet? You can obtain access to your Realm profile account or share your updates by emailing realm@metropolitanbaptist.org. It’s easy to connect with your MBC leadership and family on REALM, our church app! Update and sign up today!

“Let’s Just Talk” continues through the end of the year! Woo-sah with your MBC family as we openly discuss anything that’s on your heart! At times we may find ourselves struggling, becoming anxious, or feeling a little down.
Metropolitan CARES, so meet up with us on Zoom Every 2nd Monday at 7 PM. The IAMA Counseling Ministry has created an environment where we can get honest about how we are doing mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and more. Register today on REALM or email iama@metropolitanbaptist.org for details.

Psalm 73:26 says, “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” If you have lost a spouse, child, church member, family member, or friend, you don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. Consider GriefShare.
This is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Metropolitan’s GriefShare sessions are offered virtually via Zoom on Wednesdays this winter! Simply register on REALM for our 10 AM or 7 PM sessions. Have questions or just need to talk? Contact Sister Von Bailey, Ministry Leader, at bereavement@metropolitanbaptist.org.
Matthew 25

Metropolitan, THE DEADLINE FOR SCARF DONATIONS HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO NOVEMBER 12. Extend your CARE by supporting the annual Safeway Feast of Sharing! This year, we are challenging each ministry to donate 100 scarves to reach our donation goal of 2,000 scarves.
All you have to do is drop your donation off on any Saturday morning through November 12 between 9 AM and 11 AM or make a financial gift through any of our 5 giving options (use giving option: “Safeway Feast of Sharing”). We also need volunteers to help with the final collection drive on November 12.
Safeway staff and volunteers will deliver dinners and our scarf donations to local shelters and nursing homes on our behalf, with CARE. For additional information, please reach out to Dr. Joshua Wright or Rev. Georgia Davis by emailing matthew25@metropolitanbaptist.org. We thank you in advance.

The Transportation Ministry is proud to announce that the MBC Metro Shuttle is back and operating! Have a ministry event coming up? We can help get you there! Need a ride to church on Sunday? We can help with that too!
Our transportation Ministry is here to provide transportation to church and ministry events for seniors and members alike. Whether a loved one needs a ride or you need a pick up from the Largo Metro Station, we are here to serve. Please email the Transportation Ministry at mbctransportation@metropolitanbaptist.org or call 202-770-8357 to let them know you need transportation assistance.

Calling all actors and actresses!!! The 2022 Youth Christmas service is happening on Sunday, December 18 and it will be a ‘Very Metropolitan Christmas!’ Interested crew volunteers, teens, and youth ages 5 and up are asked to contact our FAME ministry at fame@metropolitanbaptist.org to learn how you can participate and serve!
Children and Youth Church

Metropolitan Youth! Come out and learn lessons about God’s love on 1st, 2nd, and 4th Sundays while parents and guardians are in 10 AM Worship! Children and Youth between the ages of PreK-3 and 12th Grades are welcome to attend this spiritually engaging and fun experience we call Children and Youth Church!
ALL students, regardless of age, must be vaccinated and must wear a mask in order to attend. Parents, please register your child for these faith-based, fun Sunday mornings through REALM today!
Daily Bread

Members, are you missing the weekly Daily Bread e-newsletter? All of our events, registrations, and church information can be found on our website, metropolitanbaptist.org.
For announcements, click “News”, then click “Announcements.” Under “News” you’ll also now find our Bereavement listing. Check out our calendar too and save the date for upcoming ministry events!
REALM is also a great resource for members! Don’t have an account yet?
Email realm@metropolitanbaptist.org to confirm your membership and request one! If you love social media, like our pages! We’re interacting daily on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Everything you need to know about MBC is now online!
Men’s Ministry

Men, our present culture is redefining manhood and confusing men in their pursuit of Biblical manhood. But how will you respond? What will you say and do when the world demands a response?
Discover how to respond by rejecting passivity, accepting responsibility, leading courageously, loving unconditionally, living with integrity, serving humbly, and investing eternally. Let others see masculinity and manhood through the lens of Christ in your life with these seven characteristics and become a better man, husband, father, and leader.
Join the Men’s Ministry on Thursday evenings, at 7 PM via Zoom for “7 Challenges Men Encounter!” This curriculum by Vince Miller, requires the 7 Challenges Men Encounter . . . Handbook for Men obtainable through any of your favorite book retailers. For additional information about the Men’s Ministry or Bible Study, register on REALM or email men@metropolitanbaptist.org.

Do you know persons in need of prayer while they are healing and recovering? You may submit their names to dailybread@metropolitanbaptist.org and we will add them to our prayer list!