Metropolitan, it’s time for our Church and Ministry announcements!
Mother’s Day

April Showers bring May flowers! Pastor Watson and the men of Metropolitan will honor all Mothers
on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 8; and we’ll celebrate our church’s Anniversary on May 15. Dr. Dante
Wright will be our guest preacher.

In partnership with the Emerge Young Adults, The Marriage Enrichment Ministry presents: “The
Marriage Depot” – Building Construction Tools for Kingdom Marriage. Seriously dating and
engaged couples are invited to join the Marriage Enrichment Ministry (MEM) for a discussion on constructing kingdom marriages on May 20, 2022, Friday via Zoom at 6:30 pm. This event is co-
hosted with the Couples Ministry of First Baptist Church of Glenarden. The discussion will be led by expert counselors and insightful married couples from all stages of the marriage journey. Register
now on REALM or email us at Zoom Meeting: ID: 882 5946 2255
One tap mobile:
+13017158592,,88259462255# US (Washington DC)
+19294362866,,88259462255# US (New York)
Health & Wellness

Let’s – Get – Physical, Metropolitan, and glorify God by strengthening and moving our bodies! Join
the Health and Wellness Ministry Saturday, May 21st, at 10 AM, at the church and virtually for an hour
of invigorating, faith-focused Bootcamp fun in celebration of Physical Health & Fitness Month. All
ages and fitness levels are welcome. Get the entire family moving! Invite a friend or two! It’s going
to be popping, Metropolitan!Register on REALM or email:
…know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit…therefore glorify God in your body and in
your spirit, which are God’s. 1Corinthians 6:19-20 (NKJV)
Daily Bread

Members, are you missing the weekly Daily Bread e-newsletter? All of our events, registrations, and
church information can be found on our website. Click News, then click announcements. Check out
our calendar too!
If you are a REALM user, help a member or a senior to register their email address so they’ll get
direct, exclusive access to registrations, information including daily emails and reminders for
classes and events, see ministry photos, and more. Not a member? You can still sign up for classes
using the links on our website.
Alternatively, if you are a social media user. Like our pages – especially Instagram and Facebook. We
are interacting there daily! Everything you need to know about MBC is online!

If you are interested in working with children and youth, please register today for the 2022 Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention classes (CAPI). All children and youth volunteers are required to take this annual training. Trauma-Informed Practices for Educators and Parents with Dr. Arthur Williams and Brittany Mackel will be held on June 6;
Introduction to CAPi with Dr. McMillan will be offered on June 13, and Managing
Anxiety Over the Life Span with Dominique Evans, will take place on June 20.All classes meet from 7-8pm.
Register today on REALM or email

The Entrepreneurs Ministry will be hosting its Annual Business Showcase on Saturday, May 14th from 1 to 3 PM on the church grounds.
To set up a table and showcase your business, email the Entrepreneurs Ministry at and/or register on REALM.Come out and support this event and learn more about the different businesses in the church and the services and products each business owner has to offer.
Young Adults, it’s been two-plus years since we were able to socially connect! So, our ministry has an event for you to reconnect with old friends and make new connections with new ones. Join us for our Throw Social DC Meetup that will be hosted on Saturday, May 14th at 1 PM in downtown DC at Throw Social (1401 Okie St NE, Washington, DC 20002).
The cost to play games and connect is just $15. And don’t worry about food, we’ve
got you covered. Appetizers and Soft drinks will be served for FREE!Register today via REALM or contact us at:
80 and Older

Don’t miss the 2022 Eighty and Older Fellowship with the Pastor! We’re “Celebrating God’s Next New Thing!” All 80 and Older saints are invited to join Pastor Watson for a special time of fellowship during our Church Anniversary weekend, on Saturday, May 14, 2022, from 11 AM to 12 Noon ET. We will continue to honor health and safety protocols, so grab a mask, bring your vaccination card and come to the church to enjoy the 2022 Eighty and Older Fellowship with the Pastor. Al guests will receive a hot meal to go and enjoy at home upon leaving the event.
Please let us know if you or a loved one plans to attend by emailing: orleaving a message at the church office by calling:
202-238-5000 no later than May 7, 2022.
Sunday School

Sunday School has a new time! Join us every Sunday from 8:15 AM to 9 AM. We will continue to meet virtually via Zoom until further notice. For questions or additional information, please contact Rev. Adriane Blair Wise at
Zoom Detail: Register in advance for this meeting:
Password: MBCSSAfter registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the
The Christian Discipleship Council is pleased to invite all members of the Class of 2022 to register for
Graduate Sunday! Your Metropolitan Church Family is looking forward to celebrating your academic
achievements on Sunday, June 26, 2022! All graduates from Preschool through Ph.D. are encouraged to register. For more information, please contact or Rev. Adriane Blair Wise, Minister of Christian Spiritual Formation, at for a registration form or visit the forms section of the website.COMPLETED FORMS SHOULD BE SENT TO by Sunday, June 12,
SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS are now available for Graduating High School Seniors and current college students. Please contact Dr. Arthur Williams, Chair of the Christian Discipleship Council
( to get a complete list of the available scholarships. All scholarship
applications are due by June 10, 2022.
Don’t’ miss our Spring Bible Study Classes! On Mondays in May and June, join Rev. Dr. Vanessa Watson from 7-8 PM for a class entitled “Loving the World Through Jesus.” On Tuesday nights from 7-8 PM, we’ll study The Book of Acts with Rev. Tanai White. Then Wednesday Night Bible Study will be from 7-8 PM with Rev. Dr. Jesse Wood. We will study the book of Galatians, known as the charter of Christian freedom.

Wednesday Night Bible Study will be from 7-8 PM with Rev. Dr. Jesse Wood. We will study the book of
Galatians, known as the charter of Christian freedom. We will focus on understanding the first-century
conflict between Law and grace and faith and works, and the parallels to the times in which we live.
Classes begin May 11 and conclude June 29.
On Tuesday nights from 7-8 PM, we’ll study The Book of Acts with Rev. Tanai White. In this exploration of Acts, we will be recounting the accounts of the disciples after the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, the historical context, literary form, and theological significance and spirituality of the events will be examined.
Classes begin May 10 and conclude June 28.
Everyone likes to receive love letters. John’s letters give us a glimpse of his love for our Savior, Jesus
and other believers. These Epistles also tell us how we can share that love with one another. On
Mondays in May and June, join Rev. Dr. Vanessa Watson from 7-8 PM for a class entitled “Loving the
World Through Jesus.”

Metropolitan Youth, we’re back! Join the Elevate Youth Ministry on April 30th at 2 PM, for a
day of FREE food and fun at Crofton Go-Kart. All youth in Middle and High School are
welcome to attend and invite friends. Admission is $25 per rider, which will allow each
registrant to ride 8 laps around the track. Register today on REALM or

Metropolitan Children and Parents, we’re having a Skate Party! Join the Kingdom Kids of
Metropolitan for a day of skating at Skate Zone in Crofton, MD. Children from grades Pre-K3
through the 5th grade can attend and they are encouraged to invite their friends. Admission
and skate rental costs $15, and for those who have their own skates, admission is just $10.
Parents, don’t worry about lunch, because pizza and drinks will be on us for all who attend!
Register today via REALM or email for more details.
GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD, ladies! Are your thoughts holding you captive? Thinking you’ll
never be good enough? Presume people have better lives than you do? Wondering how
God could really love you? In our Thursday Night Bible Study, Get Out of Your Head, you
will be inspired and equipped to transform your emotions, your outlook, and even your
circumstances by taking control of your thoughts. Purchase your copy of Get Out of Your
Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts by Jennie Allen on Amazon and register for our
7 PM ET class via REALM!
Are you a FRANgelist? It’s a proven fact evangelism is best done through existing
relationships and each of us has a social network of friends, relatives, associates and
neighbors. As believers and followers of Jesus Christ, we have a responsibility to share the
Gospel with others. Metropolitan, our FRANgelism effort continues and we want you to invite
all of your RELATIVES to tune in for our Worship Service every Sunday in APRIL!

Don’t miss part 2 of PRAYING YOUR WAY TO VICTORY with Rev. Adriane Blair Wise, Rev.
Tanai White and Rev. Brenda Girton Mitchell during our Church-Wide Bible Study on Tuesday
nights at 7 PM ET through May 17th. As prayer warriors, we must remember that no matter
how hopeless a situation may appear to us, God gives us power in prayer to do something
about it. It’s not too late to learn how to pray with strength and purpose, resulting in great
victory that advances God’s kingdom and glory. The book we are using for the class is by
Stormie Omartian, entitled, Prayer Warrior and can be purchased on Register
today on REALM!
Sometimes we need a refresher course on our faith. Meet Sister Margaret Flagg and Dr.
Shirley Jackson on Zoom for Christianity 101. Classes are on Wednesdays from 6 to 7:30
PM ET through May 25, 2022.Register today on REALM or email for more information.

Register on REALM today for our Children and Youth Church! It’s a great opportunity for our youth
to connect with other youth and learn about the goodness of God in fun and practical ways. We are
in need of adult volunteers too!Interested? Email Rev. Kevin Gresham II at:

The Bereavement Ministry is offering GriefShare SPRING Sessions virtually via Zoom! The SPRING
Session is a 13-week series that include various topics including: • Complicated Factors • Are you
stuck in grief? • Tragic Losses • and What do I live for now?
Register today and join us on Wednesdays March 2 thru May 25 at 10 AM (EST) or 7 PM by way
of video or telephone conference. You can complete the required registration anytime on REALM
or by contacting the Bereavement Ministry. If you have lost a spouse, child, family member, or friend,
we encourage you to take part in this Support Group that will provide you with the tools to go
through the grieving process during this difficult time!Please register on Realm or contact Sister
Von Bailey, Ministry Leader, at

Young adults, our Emerge ministry is here for you and invites you to join them for prayer on
Wednesdays from 8 PM – 8:15 PM ET. Prayer requests remain anonymous and you can email them
to too! Dial in and pray with us!
Connect with your Church Family on REALM! Realm is great for registering for Church Events,
Giving, and posting photos you’d like to share with your Church Family, among other great
features!To learn more, email TODAY!
Fitness Friday

Fitness Friday is lots of fun! Take care of your personal temples with us every Friday from 5:30 –
6:15 PM ET via Zoom. Coaches Kristy Frizzell and Phyllis Davis will lead a 30-minute workout that
can help relieve stress, boost your energy, and aid in achieving your personal fitness goals. Bring
your enthusiasm, light to medium weights, water to hydrate, a towel, and have a sturdy chair nearby.

The Metro Cares Fellowship fund was established to provide financial assistance to members of our
church family and community who have been impacted by the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic. Please
continue to support the fund with your gifts and don’t hesitate to let us know if we can serve you.
You can contact us at:

Do you know persons in need of prayer while they are healing and recovering? You may submit their
names to and we will add them to our prayer list!

Did you know you can enjoy worship services on your smart TV? Visit on
your television’s web browser. Click “worship,” then select “Sunday Morning Livestream.” It’s that
simple! Remember to chat with us in the chat rooms!
Ladies, join us for our bi-monthly book club! We’ve got some amazing titles to cover through August
of 2022. For a complete list and meeting details,please register on REALM or email:!
At Metropolitan, we’ve been proudly interpreting every worship service for years. NOW we are
expanding to interpret other ministry activities, as needed. Should you or someone you know, be in
need of an interpreter please feel free to contact our Deaf Ministry