Metropolitan, it’s time for our Church and Ministry announcements!
Thank You

Metropolitan Family, THANK YOU for helping us to do it again by supporting our Annual Supper Bowl Food Drive! You over exceeded our expectations, providing over 3200 non-perishable food items for our We Are One Body Food Pantry and the Capital Area Food Bank! Your generous contributions and financial donations will help many families in need. We are so grateful for your support! Metropolitan Cares!
Upcoming Worship

In March, we’ll be celebrating Women’s History Month. Guest Preacher, Rev. Dr. Jacqueline Thompson from Allen Temple Baptist Church in Oakland, CA, will join us for our Women’s Day Weekend on March 13. She is royalty, chosen and set apart… and we can’t wait to hear the Word that the Lord has given her to share with us!
Women’s Weekend

Ladies, let’s Elevate Our Brand! Meet wardrobe stylist & personal branding expert, Monica Barnett as we are kick off our 2022 Women’s Ministry Celebration weekend, Friday, March 11 at 7 pm. During this year’s edition of our “MBC Sister Chat” we’ll revamp, redefine, and refresh! No matter what category you fall in, Monica Barnett, wants to share realistic tips and guidance to help us elevate our brand and style. Join your MBC Sisters as we learn (or re-learn) how to step more boldly into our God-given royalty and learn how to be the best version of our authentic selves. Register today on REALM or email

It wouldn’t be women’s weekend without the The RoyalTEA! It’s Tea Time and you’re invited to join the Women’s Ministry, Saturday, March 12 at 2 PM for our annual RoyalTea, Celebrating our Sisterhood, with award-winning author and journalist Sophia Nelson! While we will be virtual, this will not keep us from having a GRAND tea time. So, be sure to wear your hats or fascinators, and your tea time fashions! Then, set up your favorite tea set and snacks and meet us on Zoom. Register today on REALM or email

All Women, Men, and Youth of Metropolitan are invited to join Magnificat! in worship for Resurrection Sunday! Rehearsals will be held in K Hall on March 6, 13, 20, 27 and April 3 from 11:30 AM – 12:30 pm. Resurrection Day Magnificat! is open to ages 10 and up. Garments will be discussed at our first rehearsal. Please contact Diedre L. Neal at for more details.

- THE BIBLE CHALLENGE IS BACK for the Lenten Season! Will you take the Bible Challenge? Everyone is invited to participate as we will be reading the THE BOOK OF NEHEMIAH during our 40-Days of Power. Each week you will have a Sabbath rest. Complete the Challenge and email your registration form by Sunday, April 24, 2022 to be entered into a drawing for a Visa Gift card valued up to $75. Have questions? Contact Rev. Adriane Blair Wise, Minister of Christian Spiritual Formation at
- GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD, ladies! Are your thoughts holding you captive? Thinking you’ll never be good enough? Presume people have better lives than you do? Wondering how God could really love you? In our NEW Bible Study, Get Out of Your Head, you will be inspired and equipped to transform your emotions, your outlook, and even your circumstances by taking control of your thoughts. Purchase your copy of Get Out of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts by Jennie Allen on Amazon and register for class via REALM!
- Don’t miss part 2 of PRAYING YOUR WAY TO VICTORY with Rev. Adriane Blair Wise, Rev. Tanai White and Rev. Brenda Girton Mitchell during our Church-Wide Bible Study on Tuesday night through April 12. As prayer warriors, we must remember that no matter how hopeless a situation may appear to us, God gives us power in prayer to do something about it. It’s not too late to learn how to pray with strength and purpose, resulting in great victory that advances God’s kingdom and glory. The book we are using for the class is by Stormie Omartian, entitled, Prayer Warrior and can be purchased on Register today on REALM!
- Are you a FRANgelist? It’s a proven fact evangelism is best done through existing relationships and each of us have a social network of friends, relatives, associates and neighbors. As believers and followers of Jesus Christ, we have a responsibility to share the Gospel with others. Metropolitan, March is the KICK-OFF of our FRANgelism effort for the year and we want you to invite all of your FRIENDS to tune in for our Worship Service every Sunday in March!
- Sometimes we need a refresher course on our faith. Meet Sister Margaret Flagg and Dr. Shirley Jackson on Zoom for Christianity 101. Classes are on Wednesdays from 6 to 7:30 pm through May 25, 2022. Register today on REALM or email for more information.

The pandemic has changed our personal and religious lives… and we’ve felt the heaviness of living with the destabilization of education, healthcare, and socio-economic systems. Our children and youth look to us to help them bear the weight of changes in their own lives too. Metropolitan Cares! On March 28 at 7pm join Sis. Von Bailey, Rev. Kevin Gresham, and Dr. Sherrill McMillan in a discussion on “Communal Grief: What is it? Who does it affect, and How Do We Manage it? Register today on REALM or email for access.

The Marriage Enrichment Ministry invites you to please join us on March 18, 2022 via Zoom from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm for a discussion of Kingdom Marriages Session 4: “Love your Wife”. This will be lots of fun and a great way to fellowship with other married couples. We’d love to see you. Don’t forget to register now.

Register on REALM today for our Children and Youth Church! It’s a great opportunity for our youth to connect with other youth and learn about the goodness of God in fun and practical ways. We are in need of adult volunteers too! Interested? Email Rev. Kevin Gresham II at
Girl Scouts

Still haven’t gotten this year’s share of girls scout cookies? Our Girl Scouts invite you to stop by for their last contactless drive-thru cookie booth at MBC on March 6, 2022, from 1-3 PM. Cookies are $5 or $6 per box and preorders are greatly appreciated at We are accepting payment through CashApp $MBCGSTROOP and exact change only on-site.
Health & Wellness

The Health and Wellness Ministry will host a diaper drive for the Greater D.C. Diaper Bank every Saturday in March! Donations will provide a reliable and adequate supply of free diapers to families in need in the D.C. Metropolitan Area, instantly improving the lives of families in a very tangible way. Please bring clean diapers of all sizes for children and adults to the church each Saturday in March between 10 AM and 12 Noon.

The Bereavement Ministry is offering GriefShare SPRING Sessions virtually via Zoom! The SPRING Session is a 13-week series that include various topics including: • Complicated Factors • Are you stuck in grief? • Tragic Losses • and What do I live for now?
Register today and join us on Wednesdays March 2 thru May 25 at 10 AM (EST) or 7 PM by way of video or telephone conference. You can complete the required registration anytime on REALM or by contacting the Bereavement Ministry. If you have lost a spouse, child, family member, or friend, we encourage you to take part in this Support Group that will provide you with the tools to go through the grieving process during this difficult time! Please register on Realm or contact Sister Von Bailey, Ministry Leader, at

Young adults, our Emerge ministry is here for you and invites you to join them for prayer on Wednesdays from 8 PM – 8:15 PM ET. Prayer requests remain anonymous and you can email them to too! Dial in and pray with us!

Connect with your Church Family on REALM! Realm is great for registering for Church Events, Giving, and posting photos you’d like to share with your Church Family, among other great features! To learn more, email TODAY!

Fitness Friday is lots of fun! Take care of your personal temples with us every Friday from 5:30 – 6:15 PM ET via Zoom. Coaches Kristy Frizzell and Phyllis Davis will lead a 30-minute workout that can help relieve stress, boost your energy, and aid in achieving your personal fitness goals. Bring your enthusiasm, light to medium weights, water to hydrate, a towel, and have a sturdy chair nearby.

The Metro Cares Fellowship fund was established to provide financial assistance to members of our church family and community who have been impacted by the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic. Please continue to support the fund with your gifts and don’t hesitate to let us know if we can serve you. You can contact us at

Do you know persons in need of prayer while they are healing and recovering? You may submit their names to and we will add them to our prayer list!

Invite someone to Sunday School! It’s offered online on Sundays at 8:45 AM (ET) via Zoom. Details on what will be covered in class has been published in our Daily Bread e-newsletter for your convenience to prepare you for class. Register on REALM or email!

Did you know you can enjoy worship services on your smart TV? Visit on your television’s web browser. Click “worship,” then select “Sunday Morning Livestream.” It’s that simple! Remember to chat with us in the chat rooms!

Ladies, join us for our bi-monthly book club! We’ve got some amazing titles to cover through August of 2022. For a complete list and meeting details, please register on REALM or email!
At Metropolitan, we’ve been proudly interpreting every worship service for years. NOW we are expanding to interpret other ministry activities, as needed. Should you or someone you know, be in need of an interpreter please feel free to contact our Deaf Ministry at
Daily Bread

Are you subscribed to the Daily Bread, our e-newsletter? Visit, click news, then subscribe! Stay up to date on what’s happening with ministries and members here, on our social media pages or on our website,!