Upcoming Worship

Summer’s here and we want you to wear your “church casual” attire for Worship in June! Join us as we celebrate Youth Sunday and the birthday of our beloved Senior Servant Emeritus, Dr. H. Beecher Hicks Jr. on June 12. Brother Ricardo Roberts III will share a message sure to encourage our youth.

On June 19, we will celebrate Father’s Day and on June 26, Pastor Watson will offer an encouraging word to the Graduates of 2022! Worship at Metropolitan is at 10 AM ET on Sundays! Join us in person or online! You can worship with us again at 1 PM ET, on Zoom. Then at 6:30 PM ET, tune into praisedc.com, 104.1 FM, to dive right into another Word with Pastor Watson! Metropolitan Cares! Invite someone to Worship with you!
CDC Grad Sunday

The Christian Discipleship Council is pleased to invite all members of the Class of 2022 to register for Graduate Sunday! Your Metropolitan Church Family is looking forward to celebrating your academic achievements on Sunday, June 26, 2022! All graduates from Preschool through Ph.D. are encouraged to register.
For more information, please contact: cdc@metropolitanbaptist.org or Rev. Adriane Blair Wise, Minister of Christian Spiritual Formation, at awise@metropolitanbaptist.org for a registration form.
COMPLETED FORMS SHOULD BE SENT TO cdc@metropolitanbaptist.org by Sunday, June 12, 2022.
CDC Scholarships
SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS are now available for Graduating High School Seniors and current college students. Please contact Dr. Arthur Williams, Chair of the Christian Discipleship Council (drwilliamsarthur@gmail.com) to get a complete list of the available scholarships. It’s also available on metropolitanbaptist.org under the “members” tab on the website.
All scholarship applications are due by June 12, 2022.
CDC Prayer Meeting

Church, we have a church-wide prayer meeting coming up entitled “A Prayer of Healing!”
Meet the PUSH Ministry via Zoom on July 5, 2022, at 7 PM ET.
“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all our diseases, who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies.” Psalm 103: 2-4
CDC Bible Challenge
Thank you to the 13 participants that competed in our 2022 BIBLE CHALLENGE (The Book of Nehemiah)! Congratulation to all of our winners!
Our 1st Place Winner of a $75.00 Visa gift card is Sister Eleanor McIntosh.
Our 2nd Place Winner of a $50.00 Visa gift card is Sister Kim McIntyre
Our 3rd Place Winner of a $25.00 Visa gift card is Sister Patricia Barnett!

Marriage is designed to help us grow
To be ourselves and go with the flow
Moving around to stretch our muscles
is one way we can decrease those marital tussles
Breathing God’s splendid glory
and enjoying nature can help build your story
So if you want your marriage to spikejoin the Marriage Enrichment Ministry and GO TAKE A HIKE!
Join the Marriage Enrichment Ministry for an invigorating couples’ hike through picturesque Rock Creek Park , Saturday, June 11, 2022, from 10 AM to 12 PM ET. This will be a great opportunity to connect with your partner and fellowship with other couples in the great outdoors.
Register now on REALM or email us at: marriageenrichment@metropolitanbaptist.org for details.

The Entrepreneurs Ministry will be hosting its Annual Business Showcase on Saturday, June 4th from 1 to 3 PM on the church grounds. To set up a table and showcase your business, email the Entrepreneurs Ministry at entrepreneurs@metropolitanbaptist.org and/or register on REALM.
Come out and support this event and learn more about the different businesses in the church and the services and products each business owner has to offer. There will be prize giveaways for attendees!

Did you know you can enjoy Sunday Morning Worship Service LIVE on your smart TV? Visit metropolitanbaptist.org on your television’s web browser. Click “Worship,” then select “Sunday
Morning Livestream.” It’s that simple! Remember to chat with us in the chat rooms!
Women’s Ministry

Ladies, join us for our bi-monthly book club! We’ve got some amazing titles to cover through August of 2022. For a complete list and meeting details, please register on REALM or email women@metropolitanbaptist.org!
Deaf Ministry

Metropolitan’s Deaf Ministry has proudly interpreted every worship service for years. Now we are expanding our services to interpret other ministry activities as needed. Should you or someone you know be in need of an interpreter, please feel free to contact our Deaf Ministry at deafministry@metropolitanbaptist.org.

Let’s – Get – Physical, Metropolitan, and glorify God by strengthening and moving our bodies! The Health and Wellness Ministry is excited about 2 new, upcoming fitness events! On Saturday, May 21, we presented an awesome virtual version of our Faith-based Bootcamp series. It was invigorating and we want you to join us for parts two and three!
Register on REALM and then meet us on the church grounds on Saturday, June 18, and Saturday, July 16, at 10AM! All ages and fitness levels are welcome. Get the entire family moving! Invite a friend or two! It’s going to be popping, Metropolitan!
…know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit…therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s. 1Corinthians 6:19-20 (NKJV)

If you are interested in working with children and youth, please register today for the 2022 Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention classes (CAPI). All children and youth volunteers are required to take this annual training.
—Trauma-Informed Practices for Educators and Parents with Dr. Arthur Williams and Brittany Mackel will be held on June 6; Press here for REALM link
–Introduction to CAPi with Dr. McMillan will be offered on June 13; Press here for REALM link
–Managing Anxiety Over the Life Span with Dominique Evans, will take place on June 20. Press here for REALM link
All classes meet from 7-8pm. Register today on REALM or email drmcmillan@metropolitanbaptist.org.
Sunday School

Sunday School has a new time! Join us every Sunday from 8:15 AM to 9 AM. We will continue to meet virtually via Zoom until further notice. For questions or additional information, please contact Rev. Blair Wise at awise@metropolitanbaptist.org. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.