Upcoming Worship

Summer’s here and we want you to wear your “church casual” attire for Worship!
Worship at Metropolitan is at 10 AM ET on Sundays! Join us in person or online! You can worship with us again at 1 PM ET, on Zoom. Then at 6:30 PM ET, tune into praisedc.com, 104.1 FM, to dive right into another Word with Pastor Watson! Metropolitan Cares! Invite someone to Worship with you!

Real men worship the Lord unashamed and Bishop Steven Arnold will be joining us on July 10 for Men’s Day!

On July 17, we will celebrate the birthday of our Pastor, Dr. Maurice Watson. Be sure to wear shades of blue and white in his honor!

And, on July 24, we will welcome Minister Cynthia Wise to our pulpit! She will be pouring into our Emerge Ministry on Young Adult Sunday!
Pastor Watson’s News

Pastor Watson is heading to the EK Bailey Preaching Conference from July 11-13 at Concord Church in Dallas, TX! Visit ekbpc.com to learn about all of the speakers lined up and to register if you’re interested in going! If you are a minister or pastor, this is the conference for you! The 2022 EKBPC will equip you with the tools, resources, and insights needed to effectively Preach Jesus in an age of uncertainty!
As our Metropolitan family continues to return to in-person worship, we realize there are those who are not yet ready to return. Members are invited to join our Metropolitan Servants for a Communion Element Distribution Drive-thru event on Saturday, July 9 from 10 AM – 12 PM. Stop by and receive your elements for the Summer months and enjoy moments of fellowship with the Servants. They look forward to seeing and serving you!
Pastor Watson’s Birthday

Metropolitan! On Saturday, July 23, from 10 AM to noon, join us for a church-wide drive-thru birthday celebration honoring Dr. Maurice Watson. Get your cards, balloons, gifts, and tributes ready! You can also bless Him using any of our 5 giving options–just select “Pastor Appreciation” when giving online, or CashApp him at $drmoe60.
Join the drive-thru celebration on July 23rd and then park your car and stay a while for a Birthday Praise Party and fellowship to the sounds of DJ Soul! Yes! He’s back! It’s going to be a great celebration! See you on July 23rd between 10 AM and noon.
Join us for an exciting Vacation Bible School in person at Metropolitan!!! Youth and Volunteers, plan to meet us on July 20-22 from 6:30 – 8:00 PM as we learn how to “Make Waves for Jesus” based on John 7:38. It’s possible to create a ripple effect that can impact the world around us in ways… ways that will never be forgotten. God dropped you on this planet to do just that … make waves! We each have been designed to make a POSITIVE CHANGE in the world! So come out and learn how to “Make Waves for Jesus” with us July 20-22 from 6:30 – 8:00 PM. Pre-registration via REALM is required. Contact cdc@metropolitanbaptist.org or awise@metropolitanbaptist.org for more information.
Realm Link

Did you know that the Maryland Board of Elections has made it easy to review your Voter Registration status and to review the candidates running in your area? The Maryland Primary Election is on Tuesday, July 19th. In just a few minutes, you can find out what you need to know to be prepared. Verify your voter registration by visiting voterservices.elections.maryland.gov/VoterSearch
Review the 2020 Maryland Gubernatorial Primary Candidate Listing by visiting elections.maryland.gov. Church family, the mid-term election is more important than the Presidential election because these are the people running for your local positions. They make the decisions that impact you the most. Get out and VOTE!

Walk out of your grave clothes with Magnificat! All men and young men of Metropolitan are invited to join Magnificat! in worship for Men’s Day. Rehearsals will be held in K Hall on: Sunday, June 26 from Noon – 1 PM; Wednesday, July 6 from 7 – 8 PM; and Saturday, July 9 from 10-11 AM. Men’s Day Magnificat! is open to ages 10 and up. Garments will be discussed at our first rehearsal. Please register on REALM or contact Diedre L. Neal at dneal@metropolitanbaptist.org for more details.

There’s a lot going on in the world around us and at times we may find ourselves struggling, becoming anxious, or feeling a little down. Every 2nd Monday at 7PM, the IAMA Counseling Ministry is hosting “Let’s Just Talk.” We invite you to join this monthly discussion where we get honest about how we are doing mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. We look forward to seeing you monthly as we share information and receive group support navigating life’s curves. Register today on REALM or email iama@metropolitanbaptist.org for details.
Realm Link:
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 838 6683 9635
Passcode: 557967
Sunday School

Sunday School continues via Zoom throughout the summer! We’re now studying in the Books of Isaiah, John and Revelation as God reveals how His people are “Partners in a New Creation.” Learn more about each unit when you register on REALM! Have questions? Email sundayschool@metropolitanbaptist.org.
Zoom Link:
Realm Link:
Unit 1 – God Delivers and Restores
The lessons in this unit explores three chapters in Isaiah to reveal God’s predictions of the future destruction of Babylon and deliverance for Israel. The evidence of God’s power is revealed to grant mercy and redemption to the penitent and to restore God’s people to a state of peace and prosperity.
Unit 2 – The Word: The Agent of Creation
This unit has five lessons taken from John’s Gospel. The lessons stress how the Creating Word, at work in and with humanity, became flesh, healed the sick, saved the lost, resurrected the dead and granted – through the Holy Spirit – “Peace.”
Unit 3 – The Great Hope of the Saints
We will conclude the summer session with a four lesson study in Revelations to help our participants envision a new home and city that God has prepared for the redeemed. In this new heavenly environment, the saints will enjoy the new water of eternal life.

Let’s – Get – Physical continues, Metropolitan, as we glorify God by moving our bodies! Join the Health and Wellness Ministry on Saturday, July 16, at 10AM, on the MBC grounds, for another hour of invigorating, faith-focused Bootcamp fun in recognition of National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. Exercise not only does wonders for the body, but also for the mind and our moods. All ages and fitness levels are welcome. Get the entire family moving! Invite a friend or two! Challenge your Ministry to come out and get their fitness on! It’s going to be popping, Metropolitan! Register on REALM or email healthandwellness@metropolitanbaptist.org.
“…know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit…therefore, glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NKJV)
Realm Link:

Metropolitan, Young Adult Weekend 2022 is coming very soon and Emerge has an exciting weekend planned! On Saturday, July 23 at 1 PM, we will meet up at Throw Social on Okie Street NE, DC. Admission is only $15 to enjoy an afternoon of laughter and games! Appetizers and soft drinks will be served to those who attend. And then on Young Adult Sunday, July 24th, we will welcome Duane Mandela Simmons to worship with us through song and the Rev. Cynthia Wise to bring forth the preached word. And then after worship, join us for Brunch Kick Back, where Suit 2 Cook’s Chef James Taylor II will be cooking and DJ Soul will have the praise party pumping outside! This is truly an exciting weekend you do not want to miss! Invite a young adult to enjoy the entire weekend. And for those interested in our Saturday Throw Social Event, register via REALM
today or email emerge@metropolitanbaptist.org for details.
Realm Link:

Metropolitan, both the Kingdom Kids and Elevate Ministries will be hosting exciting end of the school year events this summer and all students are invited! On July 9 from 1 to 4 PM, Kingdom Kids will be enjoying an outdoor “Field Day” on the small field located at the rear of 1200 and 1100 Mercantile Lane. There will be of food and fun and anyone between the grades of PreK 3 and 5th grade! They do not want to mis this event. Then on July 16 at 6pm, our Elevate Youth will be enjoying a Boat Party, where they will be cruising on the water in Annapolis, MD. This event is open to anyone in Middle or High School. Register for either event today on REALM or email youth@metropolitanbaptist.org for details. We can’t wait to see all of our students at these events!
Realm Link:
End of the School Year Field Day
Elevate Youth Boat Party
Backpack / School Supply Drive

The Christian Discipleship Council encourages all members to support our annual Backpack and School Supplies Drive. Our GOAL is to raise $10,000.00 to support this effort. Donations will be used to purchase school uniforms, fulfill educator wish lists and provide school supplies for students. You may make a financial gift to support this effort by using any of our five giving platforms. In the memo sections, just indicate “School Supply Drive”. Metropolitan let’s show how much we CARE by helping our students, educators and the Largo community by giving them the resources they need to have a great year. If you have questions, contact Rev. Mike Thomas cdc@metropolitanbaptist.org or Rev Adriane Blair Wise at awise@metropolitanbaptist.org.
To Donate:
Veterans / Temple Sentinels Ministry

Take me out to the Ball Game! Hang out with our Veterans and Temple Sentinels Ministries at the Bowie Baysox Day highlighting the Negro Baseball League on Saturday, August 27, 2022. First pitch is at 6:30 PM!
There will be many activities for the entire family including the Touch a Truck event, featuring dozens of construction, excavation, and emergency trucks at 4:30. After the game, children 12 and under can “Run The Bases” and there will be FIREWORKS! Lastly, there will be a special exhibit from the Josh Gibson Foundation with special artifacts as well as the opportunity to meet former Negro League Players there!
Register NOW on REALM to take advantage of the Group Rate of $11/person with our Metropolitan Family! Once registered, a representative from the Veterans Ministry will contact you for payment! If you have any questions, please email veterans@metropolitanbaptist.org. See you there!
Realm Link:

Did you know you can enjoy Sunday Morning Worship Service LIVE on your smart TV? Visit metropolitanbaptist.org on your television’s web browser. Click “worship,” then select “Sunday Morning Livestream.” It’s that simple! Remember to chat with us in the chat rooms!
CDC Prayer Meeting

Church, we have a church-wide prayer meeting coming up entitled “A Prayer of Healing!” Meet the PUSH Ministry via Zoom on July 5, 2022, at 7 PM ET. “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies.” Psalm 103: 2-4
Realm Link:
Join Zoom Meeting
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Meeting ID: 858 2708 5184
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Ladies, join us for our bi-monthly book club! We’ve got some amazing titles to cover through August of 2022. For a complete list and meeting details, please register on REALM or email women@metropolitanbaptist.org!
Deaf Ministry

Metropolitan’s Deaf Ministry has proudly interpreted every worship service for years. Now we are expanding our services to interpret other ministry activities as needed. Should you or someone you know be in need of an interpreter, please feel free to contact our Deaf Ministry at deafministry@metropolitanbaptist.org.
Daily Bread

Members, are you missing the weekly Daily Bread e-newsletter? All of our events, registrations, and church information can be found on our website. Click News, then click announcements. Check out our calendar too!
If you are a REALM user, help a member or a senior to register their email address so they’ll get direct, exclusive access to registrations, information including daily emails and reminders for classes and events, see ministry photos, and more. Not a member? You can still sign up for classes using the links on our website.
Alternatively, if you are a social media user. Like our pages – especially Instagram and Facebook. We are interacting there daily! Everything you need to know about MBC is online!

The Metro Cares Fellowship fund was established to provide financial assistance to members of our church family and community who have been impacted by the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic. Please continue to support the fund with your gifts and don’t hesitate to let us know if we can serve you. You can contact us at matthew25@metropolitanbaptist.org.

Do you know persons in need of prayer while they are healing and recovering? You may submit their names to dailybread@metropolitanbaptist.org and we will add them to our prayer list!