
The Metro Cares Fellowship Fund was established to provide financial assistance to members of our Church Family and community who have been impacted by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Please continue to support the fund with your gifts and don’t hesitate to let us know if we can serve you. You can contact us at
Bereavement Ministry

Church Family! Our website now has a page dedicated to Celebrating the life and memory of your loved ones. Visit to sign up for notifications and to see the most recent bereavement announcements. Make it personal! You can also order plants and flowers for Homegoing services or have an honorary tree planted. Families and friends may upload obituaries, service programs, photos, videos and more! Visit regularly and show your Metropolitan family how much you care during their time of sorrow.
CDC and Matthew 25 Ministries

Metropolitan Family, please support the Christian Discipleship Council and the Matthew 25 Ministries as they kick-off their Annual Supper Bowl Sunday Food Drive. All donations will benefit our We Are One Body Food Pantry. Your donations can be dropped on Sundays, January 22, 29, and February 5 in the Chapel. The following items are needed: Oatmeal, Cereal, Peanut Butter, Jelly, Syrup, Canned meats Chicken, Tuna, Salmon, Sardines; Soups – Amy’s Lentil Soup, Chicken Noodle, and Tomato Soup. You may also donate to the pantry via our 5 giving options – just be sure to select or note “Food Pantry”. Your contribution will help us continue to be a blessing by extending our CARE to underserved communities in the DMV.
Realm Giving:

Sunday School has a new time! Join us every Sunday at 8:00 AM EST via Zoom. Register on REALM to make sure you have access. For questions or additional information, please contact Servant Don Williams at

Are you a new leader of a ministry? Are you interested in learning more about the core beliefs of the Christian faith? Amazing Grace: A Study of the Articles of Faith, Part One, is the class for you! Although the Bible alone is, for us, the complete and sufficient guide in matters of religious faith and practice, this course sets forth the doctrinal statements and fundamental truths which we understand the Scriptures to teach.
Part One, taught by Dr. Jesse Wood, begins on February 7th at 7:00 PM ET and will focus on the Creeds of the Churches, the Baptist Creed, the New Hampshire Confession, and Articles One through Nine. Please register via REALM or email if you have questions.

THE BIBLE CHALLENGE IS BACK for the Lenten Season and everyone is invited to participate! Will you take the Bible Challenge? We will be reading THE BOOK OF ROMANS during our 40 Days of Power and Prayer. Each week you will have a Sabbath rest. As you read, just check off the reading assignment for the day. Those who complete the Challenge and turn in their Registration Form by Sunday, April 16, 2023, will be entered into a drawing. This year we will draw 3 NAMES for a Visa gift card – 1st Place – $75, 2nd Place – $50; 3rd place – $25.
Link to Challenge Form/Calendar:

As we enter into the Lenten Season we invite you to join us for 40 Days of Power for Bible Study! Dr. Louis J. Hutchinson III is our instructor for “A Way Out of No Way,” a six-week Bible Study class that will meet every Tuesday night beginning on February 21st at 7 PM ET. This class is for anyone who desires to learn how to tap into the POWER of God within us. If you need a strategy for overcoming challenges or obstacles in your life, we believe this class is for you. Simply register on REALM for this thought-provoking class!

Lord, I want to be whole! These words are the heart-cry of many Christians who find themselves dealing with overwhelming anger, guilt, depression, or even a nagging feeling that something inside them just is not right. Through the power of prayer and Scripture, you can find wholeness. Join the Women’s Bible Study for an eight-week class beginning on February 23rd at 7:00 p.m. PM. Lord, I Want to Be Whole authored by Stormie Omartian will be our resource for class and is available in paperback and Kindle. Register on REALM today.

Christianity 102 is an eight-week Scripturally based interactive class focused on eight principles and eight promises that God has given to his sons and daughters and the corresponding responsibilities and privileges we have in order to live in ways that please God. Become amazed at how you grow as you study, memorize, discuss, and apply the Scripture verses presented each week.
The Workbook: Growing in Christ is required. Call 240-481-2544 to secure your workbook today. Classes are held on Wednesdays from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM, beginning on February 8th. Dr. Shirley Jackson and Sister Margaret Flagg will serve as our instructors. Register on REALM today.
Children & Youth Church

Metropolitan Youth! Children and Youth Church is a fun place for kids PreK-3 through 12th grade to learn lessons about God’s love! Meet us on 1st, 2nd, and 4th Sundays in the Administrative wing of the church while parents and guardians are in 10:00 AM Worship! We want each of you to attend this spiritually engaging and fun experience we call Children and Youth Church; so, make sure your parents get you vaccinated and be sure to wear a mask. Parents, please register your child for these faith-based, fun Sunday mornings through REALM today!

All Metropolitan middle and high school students are invited to register for the Elevate “Lock-In” 2023 on Friday, February 17th at 7:00 PM, ending February 18th at 8:00 AM. This will be a joint event with neighboring church, Abundant Life Chapel, and will feature a Go-Go band, a 360 machine, food, games, and more! Space is limited; so, be sure to register on REALM today!

Calling all MBC students between the grades of PreK-3 and 5th to join the MBC Kingdom Kids Children’s Ministry for a Glow Party at Skyzone! Meet us at the Bowie, MD, location on Saturday, February 25th at 7:00 PM. The cost is $20 per student and it includes food, jump socks, and a glow shirt. Parents, don’t let your children miss this exciting event as our ministry kicks off the year with a bang! Register your children on REALM today or contact for details.
Church Wide Upcoming Worship
It’s Black History Month, and each week our FAME Ministry will help us celebrate a different aspect of our freedom. Week one will focus on Our Freedom: The Sacrifice and Rev. Terri LaVelle will be preaching.

On Second Sunday, we’ll highlight Our Freedom: Uneven Equality and Rev. Ray McKenzie will be preaching.

On week three, Dr. Emmitt Dunn from Lott Carey will share a message of hope for Missions Sunday and worship will be led by our youth as they remind us of Our Freedom: Present and Future.

On the 4th Sunday, we will proudly celebrate Our Freedom: Reclaimed and Rev. Tanai White will mount the Metropolitan pulpit.

Deaf Ministry

Metropolitan’s Deaf Ministry has proudly interpreted every worship service for years. NOW we are expanding our services to interpret other ministry activities as needed. Should you or someone you know be in need of an interpreter, please feel free to contact our Deaf Ministry at
Leslie Moreno Girl Scouts

Spread love this February! Partner with the Leslie Moreno Girl Scouts by sending a $3 candy gram to a beloved Senior Saint! This effort will help the girls raise funds for their upcoming spring activities! The candy gram includes an inspirational greeting card and a sweet treat. Place your order by emailing no later than Sunday, February 12, 2023. Be sure to pay for your order via CashApp $GSTROOP2151 or after service on February 12th. Orders will be available for pickup on Sunday, February 19, 2023 after service. Email us if you have any questions!

It’s that time of year, again!!! Girl Scout Cookie booths are back!! We welcome you to stop by our cookie booths to purchase or donate your favorite cookie desserts on: Sunday, February 5th and 12th, as well as Sunday, March 5th and 12th. Want to pre-order? Email before March 12th.
Marriage Enrichment Ministry

The Marriage Enrichment Ministry invites all engaged and married couples to join us for our Valentine Remix! Join us at the Metropolitan Baptist Church on Friday February 17, 2023, from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm with your favorite signature cuisine for our MEM Valentine’s Day Remix Celebration (Potluck Event). This is a time for couples to fellowship together, extend the Valentine’s Day Love, and share a few laughs. Register on REALM, or on our private Facebook page, MarriageBook. For more information, email us at:

The Metropolitan Marriage Enrichment Ministry Love Dare Challenge is a 14-day plan of action for improving marriage, whether the marriage is healthy and strong or hanging by a thread. Be intentional about your loving actions towards your spouse! Simply click the QR code or email with your name and contact number to register and receive a daily Love Dare Challenge starting February 1st through February 14, 2023. (For online/print only – do not record) You can also register directly here: – 1
Men’s Ministry

Men!!! Join the Mighty Men’s Ministry as we begin our study of Stepping Up: A Call to Courageous Manhood by Dennis Rainey. Zoom sessions begin Thursday, February 16th at 7:00 PM and end April 20th. We’ll learn what Biblical manhood looks like and what it means to be a godly man in modern times. Please purchase the “Stepping Up: A Call To Courageous Manhood” Workbook available on For additional information, register on REALM or email
Metropolitan Music and Arts Ministry

The Women’s Day Choir is BACK!! We invite our Metropolitan sisters to join us for a wonderful opportunity to praise, worship, and fellowship together! We must prepare, so save the dates: Monday, March 6th and Wednesday, March 8th at 7:00 PM ET; and Saturday, March 11th at 10:00 AM ET. We are excited to have Chanda Brown-Wilson serving as our Director for this occasion. Register on REALM today to be in the number and receive communications exclusively as a Women’s Day Choir participant. If you have any questions, please email

Do you know persons in need of prayer while they are healing and recovering? Please submit their names to and we will add them to our prayer list!

Metropolitan’s Transportation Ministry is available to transport seniors and members to and from church and ministry events. Whether a loved one needs a ride or you need a pick-up from the Largo Metro Station, we are here to serve. Please email the Transportation Ministry at or call 202-770-8357 to let them know you need transportation.
Viewing Online

Did you know you can enjoy Sunday Morning Worship Service LIVE on your smart TV? You can also re-stream old services! Visit on your television’s web browser. Click “Worship,” then select “Sunday Morning Livestream” or scroll and view any past services. It’s that simple! Remember to chat with us in the chat rooms when we are live!

Members, are you missing the weekly Daily Bread e-newsletter? All of our events, registrations, and church information can be found on our website
For announcements, click “News”, then click “Announcements.” Under “News” you’ll also now find our Bereavement listing. Check out our calendar too and save the date for upcoming ministry events!
REALM is also a great resource for members! Don’t have an account yet? Email to confirm your membership and request one! If you love social media, like our pages! We’re interacting daily on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Everything you need to know about MBC is now online!
Women’s Ministry

MBC Sisters, the Women’s Ministry book club has released its latest book list and meeting dates! The first book reading for the year is entitled, In Search of a Prince by Toni Shiloh and we will discuss it on Friday, February 17th at 7:00 PM ET via Zoom! Sisters, don’t miss out on all the fun! As always, what happens at book club, stays at book club! Order your books and register on REALM
or email to let us know you’ll join us for the discussion.

MBC Sisters, you are invited to join the Women’s Ministry for our February Grateful Gathering. During this hybrid gathering, we will discuss essential self-care tips and unveil the My Sisters’ Keeper Small Groups. Let’s gather in Room C-43 on Saturday, February 18th, at 11:00 AM ET or virtually via Zoom. Self-care is NOT selfish, but it is essential to us being our best selves. Register today on REALM or email