AIDS Ministry

Please join Metropolitan’s HIV/AIDS Ministry as we celebrate World AIDS Day on December 1, 2022. We continue to pray for individuals and families as we educate the community about this disease and work diligently to increase the availability, quality, and suitability of services.
On December 1st, please wear a Red Ribbon as a symbolic remembrance of friends and loved ones lost, and continue praying for those who labor in the struggle against the virus. For more information and to join this important ministry, contact

The Metro Cares Fellowship Fund was established to provide financial assistance to members of our Church Family and community who have been impacted by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Please continue to support the fund with your gifts and don’t hesitate to let us know if we can serve you. You can contact us at
Bereavement Ministry

Psalm 73:26 says, “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” If you have lost a spouse, child, church member, family member, or friend, you don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. Consider GriefShare. This is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Metropolitan’s GriefShare sessions are offered virtually via Zoom on Wednesdays this winter! Simply register on REALM for our 10:00 AM or 7:00 PM sessions.
Have questions or just need to talk? Contact Sister Von Bailey, Ministry Leader, at:
10:00 AM Zoom Information: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 898 5067 6071 Passcode: 207439 One tap mobile Conference Call : 301-715-8592, Passcode: 207439# US (Washington D.C)
7:00 PM Zoom Information: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 840 9377 9359 Passcode: 836011 One tap mobile Conference Call: 301-715-8592, Passcode: 836011# US (Washington D.C.)

The Bereavement Ministry will be holding its Annual “A Time To Remember” service on Saturday, January 7, 2023, at 10:00 AM via Zoom. We invite you to join us to celebrate the memories and remember those whom death has taken from our midst this past year. Our very own Rev. Arnette Georges will be our officiant, and other special guests will lift our hearts. We ask that you submit a photo of your loved one who has gone on before us in 2022 with their name to no later than Friday, December 23, 2022.
For more information, please contact the Bereavement Ministry through REALM or by email or Sister Von Bailey at 301-661-0518.
Meeting ID: 821 1920 1723
Passcode: 937857
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,82119201723#,,,,*937857# US (Washington DC)
+13126266799,,82119201723#,,,,*937857# US (Chicago)
Bereavement Ministry
The Bereavement Ministry is here to help you navigate the holiday season. Please join us on Wednesday, December 7, 2023, at 10:00 AM or 7:00 PM for “Surviving the Holidays”. If you are grieving the loss of a loved one during this season, we’re here to support you as you learn how to deal with the many emotions you’re feeling, wondering what to do about traditions that have changed, managing social events, and discovering hope for the future. This session will be held virtually on Wednesday, December 7, 2022. Simply register on REALM.
If you have questions or just need to talk, contact Sister Von Bailey, Ministry Leader, at or 301-661-0518.
10:00 AM Zoom Information:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 898 5067 6071
Passcode: 207439
One tap mobile
Conference Call : 301-715-8592, Passcode: 207439# US (Washington D.C)
7:00 PM Zoom Information:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 840 9377 9359
Passcode: 836011
One tap mobile
Conference Call : 301-715-8592, Passcode: 836011# US (Washington D.C.)

Dr. Louis Hutchinson III will continue teaching “A Way Out of No Way,” through December 14, 2022 via Zoom. This class is intended to prepare us for facing insurmountable challenges or achieving “the impossible,” by fortifying the POWER of God within. Classes are held from 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM.
Register today on REALM!
Meeting ID: 830 8332 7630 Passcode: POWER
One tap mobile +13017158592,,83083327630#,,,,*561433# US (Washington DC)

What is BAPTIST POLITY AND PRACTICE? Join our Executive Pastor, Dr. Jesse L. Wood, on Tuesday nights through December 13, 2022 at 7:00 PM via Zoom to better understand how the Baptist church operates! This class explores aspects of Baptist history and tradition, Baptist identity and Biblical roots of Baptist doctrine.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 843 1548 0615
Passcode: 904874
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,84315480615# US (Washington DC)
+13126266799,,84315480615# US (Chicago)

Sunday School has a new time! Join us every Sunday at 8:00 AM EST via Zoom. Register on REALM to make sure you have access. For questions or additional information, please contact Servant Don Williams at
Zoom: Meeting ID: 890 6489 1012 Passcode: MBCSS2023 One tap mobile +13017158592,,89064891012# US (Washington DC) +13092053325,,89064891012# U
Meeting Meeting ID: 890 6489 1012 Passcode: MBCSS2023 One tap mobile +13017158592,,89064891012# US (Washington DC) +13092053325,,89064891012# US
Children & Youth Church
Metropolitan Youth! Come out and learn lessons about God’s love on the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Sundays of the Month while parents and guardians are in 10:00 AM Worship! Children and Youth between the ages of PreK and 12th Grades are welcome to attend this spiritually engaging and fun experience we call Children and Youth Church! ALL students, regardless of age, must be vaccinated and must wear a mask in order to attend.
Parents, please register your child for these faith-based, fun Sunday mornings through REALM today!
Church wide Upcoming Worship

Every Sunday in December, we will celebrate the birth of Christ Jesus! On Sunday, December 4th, Rev. Arnette Georges will preach for our Inspirational Messiah Service.
On Sunday, December 11th, we will welcome Rev. George Mensah, Executive Pastor of the historic Shiloh Baptist Church in Washington, DC, for Servants Sunday.
On Sunday, December 18th, our youth will lead our Youth Messiah and Service entitled “A Very Metropolitan Christmas!” Arrive early for this hybrid, whimsical, Christmas worship experience, as told by the youth of Metropolitan and a very special guest. Rev. Kevin Gresham will be preaching.
Plan to join us on Christmas Day, Sunday, December 25th, as Rev. Brenda Girton Mitchell shares a special Word and we will celebrate the greatest Gift of all, our Lord, Jesus Christ’s birth! Please wear your Christmas red!
And then, meet us again Saturday, December 31st, as Rev. Dr. Jesse L. Wood preaches our Watch night Service at 6 PM.
Deaf Ministry

Metropolitan’s Deaf Ministry has proudly interpreted every worship service for years. NOW we are expanding our services to interpret other ministry activities as needed. Should you or someone you know be in need of an interpreter, please feel free to contact our Deaf Ministry at

Please join the Deaf Ministry for a Holiday Praise and Worship Virtual Explosion. This annual event has been viewed by people in this country and around the world and has been a source of healing and blessing.
Please join us on December 2nd at 7:00 PM virtually, and if you miss it, it will be rebroadcasted on December 3rd and December 4th at 5:00 PM. For more information contact Dominique Evans at
Meeting ID: 677 740 8565
Passcode: HOLIDAY22
Elevate Youth Ministry

It’s Christmas Season and it’s time to celebrate! Join our Kingdom Kids and Elevate Youth at Dave and Buster’s in Capitol Heights on Saturday, December 10th from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM for our Christmas Party! Food, drinks, and a $35 Power Card will be provided to each registered student!!!
This event is open to ALL Children and youth and the cost is $20 per student. We would like everyone to attend, so please let us know if you have financial limitations. Also, please note that we will be celebrating and appreciating Mr. Donald Mitchell for his faithful service as he prepares to relocate. This is going to be an event you do not want to miss.
Register and pay today on REALM or email for more details.
Emerge Young Adult Ministry

Metropolitan! It’s time to start preparing for all that God will do through us in 2023! Join the Emerge Young Adult Ministry for their annual “Unplug: Reducing Distractions” initiative in January. There are two ways you are encouraged to participate. Fast and pray with us for a two-week social media fast from January 4th through 18th.
We also would love for you to grow with us on Saturdays at 12:00 noon as we read and discuss the YouVersion devotional plan “How to Read & Study the Bible for Yourself.” Join us for one or both activities. Whatever you decide, we want to offer encouragement and accountability all month long to get your year started off right!
Register on REALM, or email for details.
Meeting ID: 865 8287 6997 — Passcode: 573949

Metropolitan Young Adults, brunch is back! Come and enjoy great food and conversation during a Holiday Brunch hosted by the Emerge Ministry at Copper Canyon in Largo Town Center. Join us immediately following worship on December 18th at 12:00 noon! As a gift from our church, if you come to worship with us in person on the 18th and check-in with an Emerge leader, you can receive a $15 credit toward your meal at the brunch event.
Register on REALM to secure your spot, and be sure to invite all of our returning college students and other Metropolitan young adults to this exciting holiday event.
Gifts from the Heart 2022

Thank you, Metropolitan, for your generous and consistent giving that demonstrates just how much we care! Christmas is an extra special time to demonstrate love for God and one another!
Metropolitan Family, we need your support again this year to make Gifts from the Heart a success! Here’s how you can help:
- Purchase and drop off new unwrapped toy(s) or Target Gift Card(s) on Saturdays and Sundays, December 3rd, 4th, 10th, and 11th, from 10:00 AM -12:00 AM, at Metropolitan
- Saturday, December 17th at the William Paca Elementary School from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM (7801 Sheriff Road, Landover, MD 20785).
Note: We do not provide bikes or electronics!
Ordering on is a great option for giving Gifts From The Heart!
- Login and click “Account or Lists,”
- Select “Find a List or Registry,”
- Enter “Metropolitan Baptist Church”
- Select, “Gift List.”
You may also contribute through any of Metropolitan’s 5 giving options. Just remember to designate your contributions to “Gifts from the Heart”.
For more information, please contact Rev. Brenda Girton-Mitchell.
We thank you for helping us to continue to show the community how much we care at Christmastime!

“Let’s Just Talk” continues through the end of the year! Woo-sah with your MBC family as we openly discuss anything that’s on your heart! At times we may find ourselves struggling, becoming anxious, or feeling a little down. Metropolitan CARES, so meet up with us on Zoom Every 2nd Monday at 7:00 PM. The IAMA Counseling Ministry has created an environment where we can get honest about how we are doing mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and more.
Register today on REALM or email for details.
Meeting ID: 838 6683 9635
Passcode: 557967

Our IAMA Ministry is excited to offer some NEW CAPI Classes in 2022! Register today for “A New Look at Child Abuse and Mandated Reporting” being offered on January 9th, 16th, and 23rd from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM. This two-hour session taught by Dr. Sherrill McMillan will meet all the requirements for new volunteers and continuing education. It will include the history of child abuse and reporting as well as current industry trends and requirements that affect parents and teachers who volunteer with the MBC Children and Youth Ministry.
Please register on REALM or email Dr. McMillan at
Zoom: Meeting ID: 834 6994 8146 Passcode: 720044 One tap mobile +16469313860,,83469948146#,,,,*720044# US +13017158592,,83469948146#,,,,*720044# US (Washington DC)
Men’s Ministry

Mighty Men of Metropolitan! Don’t miss the final few classes in our “7 Challenges Men Encounter” class!Thiscurriculum by Vince Miller, will be taught on Thursday evenings, at 7:00 PM via Zoom and requires the 7 Challenges Men Encounter . . . Handbook for Men obtainable through any of your favorite book retailers.
For additional information about the Men’s Ministry or Bible Study, register on REALM or email Classes end on December 22.
Meeting ID: 875 4292 8180
Passcode: Mancave
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,87542928180#,,,,*5245133# US (Washington DC)
Dial by your location: +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 875 4292 8180
Passcode: 5245133

Metropolitan, we have been invited to blend our voices with an august gathering of choirs, ensembles, and community participants from across the region in Bowie State University’s inaugural Community-wide Messiah Sing-Along! This celebration of Christ’s birth will be hosted by the University’s Department of Fine and Performing Arts on Wednesday, December 14th, at 7:30 PM. All singers will participate in a run-through rehearsal at 6:00 PM in the BSU Choir Room, followed by the 7:30 PM sing-along concert with the Bowie State University Choir, directed by Professor Brandon Felder on December 14. The concert will take place in the Recital Hall for Music. The attire is formal black and white or formal all black, and it’s FREE!!!
For more information, email Professor Brandon Felder at Register yourself, your friends or your community TODAY.

Do you know persons in need of prayer while they are healing and recovering? You may submit their names to and we will add them to our prayer list!
Realm Ministry

Wondering what’s happening with the Pastoral search? Get exclusive “Members Only” updates and information by establishing or updating your REALM account! If you have access to your Realm Account, please login to TODAY and update your profile! Don’t have an account yet? You can obtain access to your REALM profile and account or share your updates by emailing It’s easy to connect with your MBC leadership and family on REALM, our church app! Update your account or sign up for one today!
Toast Master and VO Team

“Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” ~ Proverbs 16:24. Church, our Toastmasters Ministry, and Voice Over team are taking a trip downtown to Planet Word on Saturday, December 10th. This trip has been rescheduled from December 3rd. Planet Word is an immersive language experience located at the historic Franklin School in Washington, DC. Ideal for all ages, Planet Word is a voice-activated museum (the world’s first!), and its interactive galleries and exhibits bring words and language to life in all sorts of fun ways. All are invited to join us, but passes are limited.
Simply register on REALM and plan to meet us there at 11:00 AM. You can register for a ride in the church van to the museum on REALM too! We hope you’ll join us for this fun and educational outing!

Need a ride to an upcoming Worship Service? The Transportation Ministry is happy to assist you! Have a ministry event coming up? We can help get your ministry there! Metropolitan’s Transportation Ministry is available to transport seniors and members to church and ministry events. Whether a loved one needs a ride or you need a pick-up from the Largo Metro Station, we are here to serve. Please email the Transportation Ministry at or call 202-770-8357 to let them know you need transportation assistance.
Viewing Online

Did you know you can enjoy Sunday Morning Worship Service LIVE on your smart TV? Visit on your television’s web browser. Click “worship,” then select “Sunday Morning
Livestream.” It’s that simple! Remember to chat with us in the chat rooms!

Members, are you missing the weekly Daily Bread e-newsletter? All of our events, registrations, and church information can be found on our website,
For announcements, click “News”, then click “Announcements.” Under “News” you’ll also now find our Bereavement listing. Check out our calendar too and save the date for upcoming ministry events!
REALM is also a great resource for members! Don’t have an account yet? Email to confirm your membership and request one! If you love social media, like our pages! We’re interacting daily on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Everything you need to know about MBC is now online!
Women’s Ministry

Calling all MBC Sisters! Please join the Women’s Ministry for our Holiday Gathering and planning meeting, Saturday, December 3rd from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at Metropolitan. We are supporting Gifts from the Heart, so please bring $25 Target Gift Cards, basketballs, footballs, or arts & crafts jewelry sets. Register today on REALM to attend in person or via zoom. Questions? Email
Join Zoom Meeting dial 13017158592 meeting id 949 0938 0562
Youth Leadership

Metropolitan Parents, Children, and Youth, please help me welcome the newly appointed elevate youth leadership council: President Dallas Harold, Vice President Kendall Robinson, Secretary Briana Long, Treasurer Jordan Anderson, and Chaplain Paul Robinson.
Please help us celebrate their appointments and join us in prayer as they serve our Metropolitan Elevate Youth this 2022/2023 academic year!