Metropolitan, it’s time for our Church and Ministry announcements!
Thank You Vanessa

Thank you to artist, Vanessa Williams, for sharing 4 of her paintings with us during Black History Month. If you would like to purchase any of the 4 paintings pictured here, please contact her at or look for VanessaRenee on social media!
MBC Check In

Long-time member, George Jefferson and his team at Employ Prince George’s blessed 22 local businesses by awarding grants totaling $534,791. These grants were a part of the Covid-19 Workforce Development Recovery Program Rapid Re-Employment Grant Initiative, awarded to businesses who hire currently unemployed job seekers in Prince George’s County. To date, Employ Prince George’s has now distributed nearly 2 million dollars in funding to regional businesses.
Congratulations to Mr. Brandon Felder for being recognized in the Yamaha 40 Under 40 educators list for 2022! Brandon was nominated by someone in our community and was selected out of over 275 nomination letters from across the country. We congratulate Brandon and all of the 40 Under 40 educators for the positive impact they have on their students, school, district and wider musical community.
Meet our Praise and Worship Leader, Chanda Brown-Wilson for the Hope Courage and Freedom Recital and Concert featuring music of Marvin Burton, Jr. through the voices of Jackson Caesar and Chanda. It’s happening in person and online on February 13 at 4 PM! Get your tickets now on Eventbrite or visit

Galatians 6:2 – “Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Are you looking for a way to serve? Want to help those in need after losing a loved one? Join Metropolitan’s Bereavement Ministry!!! All members are invited to serve God through The Bereavement Ministry. Learn more at our Virtual Open House via Zoom on Monday, February 28, 2022 at 7PM. Our ministry welcomes you to learn about the mission and responsibilities as well as our in reach and outreach activities used to connect with those that have lost a loved one. During our Open House, we will share highlights of 2021 achievements and update you on plans for our 2022 activities. REGISTER ON REALM or contact us at
Upcoming Worship

In February, we’re celebrating Black History Month, focusing on paramount Movements of Resistance and celebrating the achievements of African Americans in US History. On the first Sunday, we will journey back to 1865. On the second Sunday, we’ll pay tribute to icons of Civil Rights. Then, on the third Sunday, we’ll journey to Africa. On the fourth Sunday, we’ll “Say their names,” as we pay tribute to the Black Lives Matter movement. Sunday’s in February will be a little different so be sure to tune in each and every week!
Our nod to paramount Movements of Resistance continues…
- Next Sunday, we’ll pay tribute to icons of Civil Rights.
- Journey to Africa with us next Sunday. We’ll hear from Rev. Brenda Girton Mitchell and learn about our involvement in Missions
- Next Sunday we’ll “Say their names” and pay tribute to the Black Lives Matter movement.

Register on REALM today for our Children and Youth Church! It’s a great opportunity for our youth to connect with other youth and learn about the goodness of God in fun and practical ways. We are in need of adult volunteers too! Interested? Email Rev. Kevin Gresham II at
Girl Scouts

It’s that time of year again! Cookie Time!!! That’s right! This year, our Girl Scouts invite you to stop by for one of their contactless drive-thru cookie booths at MBC on Sundays, February 6, February 20, and March 6, 2022, from 1-3 PM. Cookies are $5 or $6 per box and preorders are greatly appreciated at We are accepting payment through CashApp $MBCGSTROOP and exact change only on-site.

The Health and Wellness Ministry will host a diaper drive for the Greater D.C. Diaper Bank every Saturday in March! Donations will provide a reliable and adequate supply of free diapers to families in need in the D.C. Metropolitan Area, instantly improving the lives of families in a very tangible way. Please bring clean diapers of all sizes for children and adults to the church each Saturday in March between 10 AM and 12 Noon.
Youth Life Verse
In Children & Youth Church, each student is encouraged to memorize verses they have the opportunity to recite them in class weekly. In December, students from each of our four classes participated in Rev. Kev’s Life Verse Challenge to see how many verses could recite in a row. Some of our students shared 1 or 2 and some shared as many as 9! We just wanted to take this time to celebrate our winners and participants for taking their faith and the memorization of scripture seriously! Congratulations! Metropolitan, please help us congratulate Rev. Kev’s Life Verse Challenge participants for their awesome achievement!
Metropolitan, we have an event planned to get your new year started off right. Join Emerge on Saturday, February 26th at 6 PM via Zoom for our financial event of the year entitled, “Secure The Bag – Learning How To Make Your Money Work For You!” This event will be focused on informing attendees on wealth building, home buying, investments, and general financial literacy information. The facilitator for this event will be a certified financial planner and founder of Lux Wealth Planning, Matt Aaron. Please note that this event is not just for young adults but it’s open to all ages. Register on REALM or email for details. Let’s all learn to be good stewards of the resources we have been given.
Youth Poppin

Metropolitan Youth, we have a monthly connect just for you – What’s Poppin! Starting February 25th, Hot Topic conversations will be taking place every 4th Friday via zoom, where middle and high school students will be able to connect, share, and learn how to live during challenging times. Adults, we need you as well. We will be breaking into small groups and will need those who feel led to mentor, advise, and speak life into our youth to participate. Youth, teens, and adults can register via REALM or can contact Rev. Kev. at

The Bereavement Ministry is offering GriefShare SPRING Sessions virtually via Zoom! The SPRING Session is a 13-week series that include various topics including:
• Is Grief Normal? • Guilt and Anger • Challenges of Grief during this COVID Season • and Establishing a New Normal After Grief
Register today and join us on Wednesdays March 2 thru May 25 at 10 AM (EST) or 7 PM by way of video or telephone conference. You can complete the required registration anytime on REALM or by contacting the Bereavement Ministry. If you have lost a spouse, child, family member, or friend, we encourage you to take part in this Support Group that will provide you with the tools to go through the grieving process during this difficult time! Please register on Realm or contact Sister Von Bailey, Ministry Leader, at
The Christian Discipleship Council, Matthew 25 Ministries, and the Leslie Moreno Girl Scouts will sponsor the annual “Supper Bowl Sunday” Canned Food Drive! This year our Girl Scouts are expanding our outreach with a winter clothing drive! Members are asked to drop off canned or non-perishable food items and new winter clothing in the MBC parking lot on Saturdays January 29, February 5, and 12 from 9 AM – 1 PM. Donations will benefit our We Are One Body Food Pantry and Volunteers of America. You can lend your support by donating the following items: Canned and non-perishable food (canned protein, fruit, and cereals), new socks, new warm clothes sizes L – 3X, new winter coats, hats, gloves, and boots.
Church Wide Bible Study

Church, we’re praying our way to victory in 2022! As prayer warriors, we must remember that no matter how hopeless a situation may appear to us, God gives us power in prayer to do something about it. We may be overwhelmed, but God is not. Register on REALM and invite a friend to join Metropolitan for our Church-wide Bible Study on Tuesdays through May 17 at 7 PM. In this class offering, you will learn how to pray with strength and purpose, resulting in great victory that advances God’s kingdom and glory. Questions? Email
Covid Resources
Metropolitan Cares! While on-site COVID-19 testing sites are still available, we encourage you to have COVID tests kits for use at home as well. If you are able please order one for yourself and help a senior secure a kit also. Soon, CVS, Walgreens and Walmart among many U.S. retailers are set to begin distribution of free N95 masks as part of a Biden administration initiative to battle a surge in COVID-19 cases related to the omicron variant. Visit or call 1-800-232-0233 to order FREE COVID Tests from the government.
Marriage Enrichment Ministry

Make it Sizzle again! Cooking with Your Spouse Date Night via Zoom is back! Please join the Marriage Enrichment Ministry (MEM) for an evening of fun and romance. Couples will have a fun date night in the privacy of their kitchen coached by Chef Asata Reid. Prepare a delectable meal for two! It’s date-night reinvented to culminate the Marriage Enrichment Ministry’s 14-day Love Dare challenge. Please join us on Friday, February 18, 2022, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. The cost is $20.00 per couple + the ingredients for your delectable meal. Once you’re registered, the menu items and Zoom link information will be sent to you via email. Register and pay on REALM or email
Music Ministry

All Women of Metropolitan are invited to join Magnificat! in worship for Women’s Day. Women’s Day Magnificat! is open to ages 10 and up and garments will be discussed at our first rehearsal! Meet us at Metropolitan in K Hall on January 23 and 30, February 6, 13, and 27 from 11:30 am – 12:30 pm. Please contact Diedre L. Neal at for more details.
Every couple faces a difficult time in their marriages one time or another. We need to be intentional about caring for our marriages and our mate. Back by popular demand, The Marriage Enrichment Ministry is excited to announce the: LOVE DARE, A-14-day challenge – Starting February 1, 2022 and ending on Valentine’s Day! We will be sending out a LOVE DARE message every day from February 1 – 14, 2022 and we pray it will help you show and shower your spouse with genuine love, kindness, and respect. The LOVE DARE will help us be more intentional about the love we pour into our spouse. Do you accept the challenge? Husbands and Wives register on REALM separately today receive your LOVE DARE or email
Husbands, register here:
Wives, register here:

Connect with your Church Family on REALM! Realm is great for registering for Church Events, Giving, and posting photos you’d like to share with your Church Family, among other great features! To learn more, email TODAY!
At Metropolitan, we’ve been proudly interpreting every worship service for years. NOW we are expanding to interpret other ministry activities, as needed. Should you or someone you know, be in need of an interpreter please feel free to contact our Deaf Ministry at
“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25. Metropolitan you did it again! The Gifts from the Heart team of our Matthew 25 Ministries celebrates the generosity of our church family during the Christmas season. The Metropolitan family provided 409 complete uniforms for William Paca and Berwyn Heights Elementary School and hundreds of extra items for the emergency clothes closet. We were also able to provide an abundance of toys and gift cards to those students, as well as members of our church family and community. Thank you for continuing to be a blessing to others!
Ladies, join us for our bi-monthly book club! We’ve got some amazing titles to cover through August of 2022. For a complete list and meeting details, please register on REALM or email!

Fitness Friday is lots of fun! Take care of your personal temples with us every Friday from 5:30 – 6:15 PM ET via Zoom. Coaches Kristy Frizzell and Phyllis Davis will lead a 30-minute workout that can help relieve stress, boost your energy, and aid in achieving your personal fitness goals. Bring your enthusiasm, light to medium weights, water to hydrate, a towel, and have a sturdy chair nearby.

The Metro Cares Fellowship fund was established to provide financial assistance to members of our church family and community who have been impacted by the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic. Please continue to support the fund with your gifts and don’t hesitate to let us know if we can serve you. You can contact us at
Do you know persons in need of prayer while they are healing and recovering? You may submit their names to and we will add them to our prayer list!

Young adults, our Emerge ministry is here for you and invites you to join them for prayer on Wednesdays from 8 PM – 8:15 PM ET. Prayer requests remain anonymous and you can email them to too! Dial in and pray with us!

Invite someone to Sunday School! It’s offered online on Sundays at 8:45 AM (ET) via Zoom. Details on what will be covered in class has been published in our Daily Bread e-newsletter for your convenience to prepare you for class. Register on REALM or email!

Did you know you can enjoy worship services on your smart TV? Visit on your television’s web browser. Click “worship,” then select “Sunday Morning Livestream.” It’s that simple! Remember to chat with us in the chat rooms!
Daily Bread
Are you subscribed to the Daily Bread, our e-newsletter? Visit, click news, then subscribe! Stay up to date on what’s happening with ministries and members here, on our social media pages or on our website,!
Social Media Extras And thank you notes
Congratulations to Christopher Williams, son of Mrs. Wendy Hines and our late Diaconate Chair Emeritus Deacon Donald Hines. Chris graduated from Navy Boot Camp on Friday, January 21, 2022, in Chicago, IL!
Join member Ronn Jackson for a Live Zoom about prominent African American’s in Congress. On Monday, February 7, he’ll discuss “Capitol Firsts Part 1: Freedom Fighters, 1776-1900” Learn about some notable members of Congress who took action to end slavery and guarantee equal rights to African Americans.
Join member Ronn Jackson for a Live Zoom about prominent African American’s in Congress. On Wednesday, February 9 he’ll discuss “Capitol Firsts Part 2: Freedom Fighters, post-1900”. Learn about some notable members of Congress who took part in and influenced the 20th century Civil Rights Movement from the halls of the Capitol.