If you had an existing account, login with your username and password on our website or setup a new account. You can even text the word “funds” to 301-888-6225 to get a list of giving options and then text an amount to the desired fund.
Mobile Giving $CashApp - $Metropolitanbaptist
Snail Mail - Mail your gift
Metropolitan Baptist Church at 1200 Mercantile Lane, Suite 115 B, Largo, Maryland 20774.
If you had an existing account, login with your username and password on our website or setup a new account. You can even text the word “funds” to 301-888-6225 to get a list of giving options and then text an amount to the desired fund.
Learn About Our 5 Giving Options
Mail Your Gift
Metropolitan Baptist Church at 1200 Mercantile Lane, Suite 115 B, Largo, Maryland 20774.