A Message From Our Pastor
As I look back over the history of our great church on this 157th Church Anniversary , Romans 8 has never been more true: Nothing shall separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
It is my honor as your pastor to stand on the shoulders of my predecessors, Reverend Henry Bailey, Dr. Robert Johnson, Dr. Moses W. D. Norman, Dr. E. C. Smith, and Dr. H. Beecher Hicks Jr., as we move through yet another season of transition.
We were gifted with a unique opportunity to re-define and re-imagine what our ministry and worship experiences look and feel like over the last year or so. We are consistently thinking about NEW and engaging ways to serve you and ensure your spiritual nourishment continues without fail.
I know we haven’t fellowshipped or worshipped together in person in over a year, but please continue to be patient. Continue to participate in and support our online ministry! Continue to be faithful in your giving and expressions of care for one another. Continue to be safe and well.
We are now beginning to ready ourselves for future in-person worship. We can’t tell you when that will be, but we can tell you that the leadership of the Church is doing everything in our power to provide a safe and healthy environment. We are following CDC guidelines and the policies and practices of Prince George’s County to be ready when that day comes.
Thank you, in advance, for understanding our need to proceed with caution and CARE for our beloved membership.
God is doing a new thing, Church. We’ve been in transition before and God brought us through. For 157 years, God has proven to us over and over that NOTHING, not even a pandemic, shall separate us from His love.
Happy 157 th Church Anniversary, Metropolitan! Join me in welcoming our guest preacher Dr. Charles Goodman Jr., to the Metropolitan pulpit, and don’t forget to say hello to me in the Chat Rooms on Sunday!
With Abundant Care,
Pastor Watson