Fathers, it’s our weekend!
One of my greatest joys is being a father, and now a grandfather – just call me “Pops!” It’s a great responsibility that comes with a host of joy-filled moments as we watch our young become adults.
Loving fathers are self-sacrificing, and they protect their children. Most importantly, they make sure their children know about their Heavenly Father.
Men, as we are celebrated this weekend, let’s remember these 10 impactful things that we must do to ensure our children know we love them too.
Loving fathers…
1. love their children’s mother.
2. love their children unconditionally.
3. are accountable and responsible.
4. know how to Be There…sharing quality time over quantity time.
5. provide materially, but also with stability.
6. offer discipline.
7. value education – are hands-on with learning.
8. raise their children to leave – teach them to live faithful lives.
9. teach their children to take responsibility.
10. teach their children to love others, this life, and God!
Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from i t.~Proverbs 22:6
Remember to tune in here for Worship on Sunday before the barbecuing begins! Our Senior Servant Emeritus Dr. H. Beecher Hicks Jr., will be preaching, the Music Ministry has some wonderful selections prepared, and our Women’s Ministry is giving leadership to our Worship Service! I’ll be looking for you in our Chat Rooms!
Happy Father’s Day to our fathers and father figures. May God continue to bless you with wisdom and grace.
With care,
Pastor Watson