I pray each of you is enjoying the summer and all of the joys it brings! I want to thank each and every one of you who expressed their love and care on my birthday! The cards, gifts, calls, texts and other expressions of love really warmed my heart! Metropolitan is the MOST CARING church in the world! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
This month, I’m excited to welcome Rev. Soammes Williams, Rev. Dr. Ayanna Lenard, Rev. Kevin Vandiver, Rev. Dr. Jesse L. Wood, and Rev. Dr. Jamie Eaddy to our virtual pulpit! They’ve each prepared a message to push you through what feels like a season full of emotion.
I don’t know about you, but my spirit has been unsettled by the impact that the COVID-19 virus and its variants continue to have on each of us. If you haven’t already, I strongly urge you to consider getting the vaccine (and to get a booster if deemed necessary). While it is not a cure, and it does not give you immunity, it just may save your life or the lives of those you love. Continue to protect yourselves: Wear your masks, distance, and keep your hands clean, please!
I want to also acknowledge that this summer seems to have brought about a great deal of loss, mourning, and grief. No matter the surrounding circumstance, grief is real and Metropolitan is equipped to help you through the grieving process. Young people, I especially want you to know that we are here for you! To learn about our GriefShare classes, please contact our Bereavement Ministry at
Lastly, I need your help, church! As we do every year, we are in need of your donations to our Backpack School Supplies Drive! Our goal is to collect 600 backpacks and fill them with school supplies this year! I’m encouraging individuals, ministries, and other groups within the church alike to come together and support this effort. All we need you to do is donate $25 per filled backpack through any of our 5 giving options (indicate “backpacks” where applicable). This small sacrifice will make a huge difference in the lives of our Metropolitan Baptist Church and William Paca Elementary School students.
Be sure to say hello to me in the chat rooms on Sundays and remember to stay safe this Summer!
With Care,
Pastor Watson