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Critical Conversations the Black Church Needs

February 4 @ 7:00 PM

Join Metropolitan for the first of four Critical Conversations the Black Church Needs to Have in 2025. This session, “Church and Sexuality,” will focus on how the Black Church can foster open and compassionate discussions around sexuality while remaining grounded in its theological foundation. We will explore how to navigate the complexities of modern relationships, gender identity, and sexual orientation, with practical guidance for addressing these complexities through a lens of grace and Christian values. Rev. Brenton Brock, Program Specialist for Diversity, Inclusion, and Multicultural Affairs at the University of the District of Columbia, will be our guest speaker. Register Realm today and meet us in the Chapel for a Critical Conversation on Tuesday, February 4, at 7 PM ET.


Metropolitan Baptist Church
1200 Mercantile Lane
Largo, Maryland 20774
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