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CAPI Training
October 10, 2022 @ 7:00 PM - 7:30 PM
If you are interested in working with Metropolitan’s children and youth in ANY capacity, please register today for the REQUIRED 2022 Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention classes, known as CAPI. Introduction to CAPI with Dr. Sherrill McMillan will be offered on October 3.
Trauma Informed Practices for Educators and Parents with co-teachers Dr. Arthur Williams and Sis. Brittany Mackel; and Managing Anxiety Over the Life Span with Sis. Dominique Evans, will both take place on October 10. All classes will meet on Zoom only from 7-8 PM. Register today on REALM or email drmcmillan@metropolitanbaptist.org for more details.
Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82026245242?pwd=R25yVi96Q21JSFNXeGZVYUdkZE5mZz09
Meeting ID: 838 6683 9635
Passcode: 557967
CAPI: Intro to CAPI
CAPI: Trauma Informed Practices
CAPI: Managing Anxiety