Upcoming Worship

On September 4, Dr. Maurice Watson will mount Metropolitan’s pulpit to preach his final sermon as our Senior Servant. Join us for worship and then stop by a farewell reception as we show Pastor and Mrs. Watson how much Metropolitan cares for them. Come say thanks and offer your well wishes. Pastor and Mrs. Watson, we love you and pray God’s blessings upon you as you begin this new chapter in ministry!

On September 11, Dr. Sherrill McMillan will bring the message as we celebrate Bring Them to Jesus Sunday, a special day set aside to honor our members who are healing and recovering. We’ll also acknowledge lives lost on the Anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks on America in 2001.
Then on September 25, Rev. Soammes Williams will preach and we will share in Holy Communion together. If you are worshipping from home and need Communion elements, please contact servants@metropolitanbaptist.org to request a delivery or arrange pick up of your elements. If you are worshipping in person, remember to pick up your elements from one of our Servants as you enter the sanctuary.

Join us for All Ministries Day on September 18! Rev. Kevin Gresham II, will be preaching. Following Worship, you’ll have an opportunity to FELLOWSHIP, to meet members, ministry leaders, and our ministerial and church staff. You’ll also get to learn about and join any of our ministries! Leadership encourages all who are able to become active in at least 2 ministries or areas of service. Whether in person or virtually, EVERYONE can serve!

Fall Revival begins next month and nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord! Mark your calendars for The Relentless Love Revival, church! Rev. Drs. Gina Marcia Stewart, Howard-John Wesley, Frederick Douglass Haynes III, and Marcus D. Cosby will join us in person for our Annual Fall Revival!
Remember to give your $75 offering, above and beyond your usual gifts, to support revival. The Sanctuary opens at 6:15 PM. Also remember to bring your vaccination cards and masks, some friends, and your shouting shoes! Our Relentless Love Revival livestream will begin at 7 PM on metropolitanbaptist.org and on Facebook.
This October, don’t miss Rev. Drs. Gina Marcia Stewart, Howard-John Wesley, Frederick Douglass Haynes III, and Marcus D. Cosby at Metropolitan’s Relentless Love Revival!
Giving: https://onrealm.org/MetropolitanBap/give/fallrevival
Worship at Metropolitan is at 10 AM ET on Sundays! Join us in person or online! You can worship with us again at 1 PM ET, on Zoom. Then at 6:30 PM ET, tune into praisedc.com, 104.1 FM, to dive right into another Word with Pastor Watson! Metropolitan Cares! Invite someone to worship with you!

Mayor Bowser Launches $50 Million Homeowner Assistance Fund
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
(Washington, DC) Today, Mayor Muriel Bowser and the DC Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) launched a new $50 million homeownership program to provide financial assistance to residents struggling to make housing related payments. Through the Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF), beginning on June 22, 2022 , eligible homeowners can go to haf.dc.gov to apply for grant funding to cover mortgage payments and other property or housing expenses, including utilities, insurance, internet assistance and housing association fees, among other benefits. The HAF program adds to the robust toolkit of resources available in the District of Columbia to support obtaining and maintaining homeownership, particularly for low- to moderate-income residents. Frontdoor.dc.gov, a DC government site launched in 2021, provides a searchable inventory of these programs.
“With this program, we’re adding another resource to our homeownership toolkit,” said Mayor Bowser. “Homeownership is a critical tool for helping residents stay and build wealth in DC. That’s why we’re increasing our down payment assistance program, why we launched the Black Homeownership Strike Force, why we have the Safe at Home program, and, now, why we are launching this Homeowner Assistance Fund. All of these programs together is how we give more Washingtonians a fair shot.”
Residents are eligible for the HAF program if they:
- live in a home that they own in the District;
- have fallen behind on one or more of the eligible program expenses for that home, including: mortgage payments, housing association fees and charges, property taxes, homeowners’ insurance, utility payments, internet/broadband payments;
- were impacted by COVID-19; and
- make less than 100% of the Median Family Income (MFI) or $142,300 for a family of four.
Households that identify as “Socially Disadvantaged” may be eligible for mortgage reinstatement assistance with annual income up to 150% of MFI. “Socially Disadvantaged” individuals belong to a group whose ability to purchase or own a home has been impaired due to diminished access to credit on reasonable terms as compared to others in comparable economic circumstances. The impairment stems from circumstances beyond their control.
“Mayor Bowser has made important strides towards helping Washingtonians reach their goals of homeownership,” said Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development John Falcicchio. “But there are current homeowners who are still struggling through financial hardships related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The HAF program will provide some much-needed breathing room to those vulnerable homeowners in the District looking for the best path to staying in their homes. We strongly encourage those eligible to take advantage of these programs as it will not only benefit them, but also promote economic recovery throughout the city.”
Funding for the HAF program is made available by the United States Treasury from the American Rescue Plan. Treasury made initial payments from the HAF available to the District in an amount equal to 10% of the total amount allocated to DC (or $5 million). Treasury encouraged HAF participants to use these initial payments to create or fund pilot programs to serve targeted populations and to focus on programs that are most likely to deliver resources most quickly to targeted populations, such as mortgage reinstatement programs.
As a result, the launch of the full HAF program follows a successful pilot program in Wards 7 and 8 that began in October 2021. The pilot targeted condominium homeowners who purchased their home using down payment and/or closing cost assistance from DHCD and were behind on their mortgage or other property-related payments. Nearly $500,000 of assistance has been distributed for mortgage, condominium fees, and property taxes with additional assistance in the process of being distributed. Of the 110 approved applicants, 79% identified as Black, all were at or below 100% MFI, and one-third identified as socially disadvantaged.
“We encourage District homeowners in need to begin exploring our materials and collecting the necessary paperwork in anticipation of the program opening next week,” said DHCD Interim Director Drew Hubbard. “The pilot demonstrated the success of our program design and we’re now ready to bring these benefits to all Washingtonians as quickly as possible.”
The District’s foreclosure moratorium on residential mortgages expires on June 30, 2022. When the moratorium ends, foreclosure proceedings may resume unless homeowners have a financial assistance application pending approval, pending payment, or under appeal by the HAF program. If homeowners are under review for HAF, the moratorium is extended until September 30, 2022. Lenders cannot foreclose on homeowners until after June 30 if the property is occupied. Mortgage payments are still due unless homeowners have entered into loss mitigation agreements with their lenders.
More information, including eligibility requirements, can be found at haf.dc.gov. Interested applicants may also call (202) 540-7407 Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm if they have questions or want to connect with a housing counselor for a virtual or in-person appointment.
Children and Youth

Metropolitan, the time has finally come! Metropolitan’s Children & Youth Church is back and will host its “Grand Re-Opening” on Sunday, September 25th, during the 10 AM Worship Service.
Children and Youth between the ages of PreK-3 and 12th Grades are welcome to attend this spiritually engaging and fun experience. After re-opening Sunday, Children and Youth Church will continue to learn lessons about God’s love on 1st, 2nd, and 4th Sundays while parents and guardians are in 10 AM Worship.
ALL students, regardless of age, must be vaccinated and must wear a mask in order to attend. Please register your child for these faith-based, fun Sunday mornings through REALM today!

The Metropolitan Kingdom Kids and Elevate Youth Ministries invite you to join us for a day of fun and fellowship on the road to Butler’s Orchard! We’ll gather on Saturday, October 8 from 11 AM to 2 PM to enjoy great food, hay rides, mazes, giant slides, and other fun activities. To participate, we ask parents or guardians to firstly, purchase your 11 AM ticket(s) at https://butlersorchard.ticketspice.com/fall-2022.
Secondly, register on REALM to be added to our guest list so we can plan for your arrival. Lastly, meet Rev. Gresham at the bonfire site no later than 10:30 AM. We look forward to enjoying Butler’s Orchard with our young people next month!

The Metropolitan Kingdom Kids and Elevate Youth Ministries invite you to our Harvest Festival 2022. This annual event will take place on Tuesday, October 26 at 7 PM, here at the church on the last night of our Fall Revival.
Please dress your children in “non-scary” costumes. There will be moon bounces, games, food, and other fun activities for all youth. Register today on REALM for this amazing event.
REALM: https://onrealm.org/MetropolitanBap/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=MjZiZDcyYTctMTE1NC00MjFhLWE2ZGEtYWVmYzAxNTRkYmEy

A NEW session of Christianity 101 begins on Wednesday, September 7 at 6 PM via Zoom only. Sister Margaret Flagg and Dr. Shirley Jackson will guide you on a 13-week scripturally based course designed for new and growing Christians focused on the importance of regularly studying the Bible and learning how to practice the basics of Christian living.
Discuss principles and promises that God has freely given to us to carry out our Christian duties and responsibilities and to enjoy the privileges we have in living a life that pleases God. Become amazed at how you grow as you study, memorize, discuss, and apply the Scripture verses presented each week.
Register today on REALM and be sure to obtain the class workbook by calling Sis. Margaret Flagg at 240 481-2544.
Meeting ID: 817 2429 4099
Passcode: CHRIST101
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,81724294099#,,,,*428419364# US (Washington DC)
+13126266799,,81724294099#,,,,*428419364# US (Chicago)

Journey to the Well. One of the most well-known and loved stories of Jesus’s ministry is the encounter with the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well. In her book, Journey to the Well, Bishop Vashti McKenzie interweaves the Samaritan woman’s experiences with contemporary personal stories, Bible quotations, life-affirming sayings, and meditational activities. Through them she shows women that if they hold on to hope and listen for their moments of epiphany, they can accomplish anything.
Ladies, discover a new enlightened way of thinking and living, when you encounter Jesus at the well. Like the Samaritan woman, you too may need a life-changing encounter with the Son of God. Join Rev. Adriane Blair Wise on Thursday evenings, beginning September 15 @ 7 PM via Zoom for this class based on Bishop Vashti McKenzie’s book, Journey to the Well. Ordering her book through your favorite book retailer is highly suggested. For additional information about our Women’s Bible Study, register on REALM or email Rev. Adriane Blair Wise at awise@metropolitanbaptist.org.
Meeting ID: 899 1541 2464
Passcode: FAITH
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,89915412464#,,,,*436882# US (Washington DC)
+13126266799,,89915412464#,,,,*436882# US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 899 1541 2464
Passcode: 436882
Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kc0gpzj73D
Churchwide Prayer Meeting

Join us in Prayer on Tuesdays September 6, 13, 20, and 27 at 7PM for our Church-Wide Prayer Meeting via Zoom. We’re still Praying Our Way to Victory during this season of transition as we prepare for our Fall Revival. Register today via REALM or check our website for login details.
Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89020415478
Meeting ID: 890 2041 5478
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,89020415478# US (Washington DC)
REALM: https://onrealm.org/MetropolitanBap/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=NmNkZjRiMDEtY2RhZS00NjI0LTg5MDItYWVmYzAxNTdjNDM2
Health and Wellness

Please join the Health and Wellness Ministry on Saturday, September 17, 2022, as we come together for an hour-long, faith-based bootcamp. We will start promptly at 9 AM and invite all ages and fitness levels. Don’t come alone, bring in a friend or two! Register on REALM or email healthandwellness@metropolitanbaptist.org if you have questions.

Hear ye, Metropolitan Family! Life is full of changes, updates, and upgrades.
Did you move? Change your marital status? Add children to your family? Receive a new job or position? Get baptized? You’ve informed your Bank, the U.S. Postal Service, and even Facebook of your life changes, but is your Church Profile Account out-of-date?
If you have access to your Realm Account, please login to www.onrealm.org TODAY and update your profile! In addition, we encourage everyone to complete our NEW Information Fields entitled “Education Field of Study” and “Professional Title” for an opportunity to share, network, and collaborate with your MBC family.
There are a plethora of resources in REALM. Don’t have an account yet? You can obtain access to your Realm profile account or share your updates by emailing realm@metropolitanbaptist.org. It’s easy to connect with your MBC leadership and family on REALM, our church app! Update and sign up today!

If you are interested in working with Metropolitan’s children and youth in ANY capacity, please register today for the REQUIRED 2022 Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention classes, known as CAPI. Introduction to CAPI with Dr. Sherrill McMillan will be offered on October 3.
Trauma Informed Practices for Educators and Parents with co-teachers Dr. Arthur Williams and Sis. Brittany Mackel; and Managing Anxiety Over the Life Span with Sis. Dominique Evans, will both take place on October 10. All classes will meet on Zoom only from 7-8 PM. Register today on REALM or email drmcmillan@metropolitanbaptist.org for more details.
Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82026245242?pwd=R25yVi96Q21JSFNXeGZVYUdkZE5mZz09
Meeting ID: 838 6683 9635
Passcode: 557967
CAPI: Intro to CAPI
CAPI: Trauma Informed Practices
CAPI: Managing Anxiety

There’s a lot going on in the world around us and at times we may find ourselves struggling, becoming anxious, or feeling a little down.
Every 2nd Monday at 7 PM, the IAMA Counseling Ministry is hosting “Let’s Just Talk.”
We invite you to join this monthly discussion where we get honest about how we are doing mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. We look forward to seeing you monthly as we share information and receive group support navigating life’s curves. Register today on REALM or email iama@metropolitanbaptist.org for details.
Meeting ID: 838 6683 9635
Passcode: 557967

If you have lost a spouse, child, church member, family member or friend, you don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. We encourage anyone hurting to take part in GriefShare. This is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences.
Metropolitan’s GriefShare Sessions are being offered virtually via Zoom on Wednesdays this fall and winter! Simply register on REALM for our 10 AM or 7 PM sessions. Have questions or just need to talk? Contact Sister Von Bailey, Ministry Leader, at bereavement@metropolitanbaptist.org or 301-661-0518.
10:00 AM Zoom Information: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89850676071?pwd=RWlDSFNPOS9zWExTZlc0S21iU21wZz09
Meeting ID: 898 5067 6071 Passcode: 207439 One tap mobile Conference Call : 301-715-8592, Passcode: 207439# US (Washington D.C)
7:00 PM Zoom Information: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84093779359?pwd=Z0R5NldaaDVuL3VwNUphYVV0Yms0dz09
Meeting ID: 840 9377 9359 Passcode: 836011 One tap mobile Conference Call : 301-715-8592, Passcode: 836011# US (Washington D.C.)
REALM: https://onrealm.org/MetropolitanBap/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=NzVmOGQ4YmMtNzk5YS00ZWEzLWI1ZTktYWVmYzAxNjIxNTFm
Deaf Ministry

Metropolitan’s Deaf Ministry has proudly interpreted every worship service for years. NOW we are expanding our services to interpret other ministry activities as needed. Should you or someone you know be in need of an interpreter, please feel free to contact our Deaf Ministry at deafministry@metropolitanbaptist.org.
Daily Bread

Members, are you missing the weekly Daily Bread e-newsletter? All of our events, registrations, and church information can be found on our website. Click News, then click announcements. Check out our calendar too!
If you are a REALM user, help a member or a senior to register their email address so they’ll get direct, exclusive access to registrations, information including daily emails and reminders for classes and events, see ministry photos, and more. Not a member? You can still sign up for classes using the links on our website.
Alternatively, if you are a social media user. Like our pages – especially Instagram and Facebook. We are interacting there daily! Everything you need to know about MBC is online!

Do you know persons in need of prayer while they are healing and recovering? You may submit their names to dailybread@metropolitanbaptist.org and we will add them to our prayer list!
Congratulations to Traci K. Miller, Esq., for receiving a Master of Science degree in Real Estate and Infrastructure from The Johns Hopkins University, Carey School of Business. Traci earned her Juris Doctorate from the University of Maryland School of Law and she is the proud owner Tilmon Properties, a full-service property management company.